Tuesday, August 26, 1997

so what has happened

so what has happened
so many days pass and
when are we doing something
everyone seems happy but
sharing silence, sitting
relaxing, boredom creeps
in and snatches away the smiles
ringing in my ears and so many
uncomfortable with silence
and not doing anything with
enough excitement happy with
myself and the few things I do
and can trouble myself with the
things you want to do night comes
if there isn’t anything to do
then no one will emerge...

so what has happened
to the friendships
we discovered
only months ago or
is it just my own paranoia
afraid to be alone again
how are we really different

so what has happened
and what will become
of all of us as the days wear on
and the space between us becomes
further apart everything happens
the way that it is supposed to
but what I ask is
how do we go about avoiding
losing everything we just recently

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