Sunday, December 12, 2004

maybe they are stuck

in thirty minutes
used to fill
five to seven pages at a time
some days it takes
three days to produce
three pages
what a let down
like a plumber who
has been paid
but will not work
sometimes I sit as if catatonic
for thirty minutes at a time
waiting for thought
to come out maybe
they are stuck up in the mind
and will have to wait
until it dries and cracks
then while still sitting I will
leap from my spot
with so much thought
and then everything stops
sometimes I come back and reread
what I have written
astounded shocked and awed
and a little bit saddened
as the day comes
to an abrupt end falling
asleep drowning myself
on the pool table…

Saturday, December 11, 2004

up later than most

up later than most
second wind
asleep at the desk
spinning the wheel
not to particular
about which direction
he is facing
as long as he can see
he closes his eyes
to hear the rain outside
with each pass
he swings closer to
the ground thoughts
like smoke
think and swirling
around and he’s nearly
dizzy and half falling
asleep but always puffin tough
one hundred one years later
a legacy ends in the city where
it all started it’s too late
now but somehow his coffee
is still warm he is in the basement
contemplating one hundred
and one years some trees
might not live as long
up later than most
second maybe third wind
caught him in a sandstorm
luckily his eyes were shut
and mouth was closed
tight like a fist raised
and used as a hammer
to pound a point across
thirty minutes pass like thirty seconds
intervals in between thoughts
and quick rest periods…

Wednesday, December 8, 2004

seven one nine to the five oh eight #1

so now he’s in the basement
mixing his own medicine
underneath the pavement
trying to figure out the government
hacking like a bastard
preparing for disaster
this summer learned to plaster
only wish he could do it faster
two minutes left it might all end tonight
no worry he won’t go down without a fight
thinking of all the things that are not right
out in the backyard under the stars
arms with some muscle mostly just scars
more nervous habits like trapped behind bars
waiting to escape where’s the getaway car
parking and ready to go on a whim
no one will know or attempt to follow him
but that’s only if the future’s too grim
and shot after shot he’s hitting the rim
rhyming and reeling in a twisted state
thinking from the seven one nine
to the five oh eight…

Wednesday, December 1, 2004

connected to the mind

it’s as if it is connected to the mind
he sits in the basement waiting
for his spirit to return
no one believe
okay maybe one or two would
no one else would when
the cabinet is found open

they know who has been here
in one way or another
less than five years ago
he stood in this spot
shooting pool waiting
for the afternoon drive time
to arrive

it’s as if he has got
all day to sit and contemplate
this thought
and onto the next…

Monday, November 29, 2004

under the ceiling

under the ceiling spins without
anything except caffeine
and a bag of white smoke
like cotton candy
is anyone even keeping track
of how often he blacks out
in the basement wakes
in the middle of the night
wandering around the kitchen
as if sleeping makes me hungry
under the ceiling
slowly getting lower as the night
gets longer until day light seems pointless
to get up for more years of confusion
and fear

under the ceiling he sits
at the base of a tree
in the neighborhood
piling rocks to form
his own private island
under the blue gray ceiling
he knows it will clear
as the night arrives
at least the near full moon
will illuminate the rest of tonight
spent in deep concentration
bumping beats background

under his ceiling whether
cave or sky above
crystal clear in darkness
as if the clouds knew
to leave the spot as quick as
they came back on a reunion tour
of the same sky from all the days before
under the same constantly changing
ceiling until there are no thoughts
locked away as if top secret
government but it's no secret
that the government can be bought
and cannot be trusted
under the ceiling
some will never admit it...

closing my eyes

closing my eyes I see and hear
all that is available
closing my eyes driving
from here to there
beats bumping the main flow
planet asia and a soft chair
on wheels lighting the best
greenery in the basement
been in this same spot
fifty-two bars and counting
back from ten at times
confused by the stray noises
the dog will make when he thinks
someone is holding out on him
closing my eyes
could fall asleep four hours
ago as it started to get dark
and I drove around trying
to avoid the impending
doldrums circular drives
getting caught without an escape
route no plan just the seat
of my pants and what was the chance
it would all work out
closing my eyes as the night
gets closer to being over
every minute not at all disappointed
by the sounds surrounding the head
in the clouds either way
closing my eyes
imagining my thoughts
could inspire as the spit-kickers do
closing my eyes as if I was one as well...

Thursday, November 25, 2004

nap in between

the heavy head and eyes
remind me of twelve hours
ago sitting in the same spot
kicking around the same
thought twisted
into another day
find behind eye lid spots
as I make my way
from here to there
with a nap in between...

Saturday, November 20, 2004


thoughts pin me downstairs
sometimes I can’t wait to get up
from above but down below
and besides how could even be
possible that he knows
what it is I say
he hasn’t been here
watching my thoughts
getting pushed out onto
the hot patio something like a grill
with coals red hot downstairs
below where anyone else can
even attempt to be swimming
in an ocean of thought
might just drown as soon as he gets
out over his head and no one
mentioned his lack of skill in buoyancy
more like that of a rock
straight to the bottom
when not dreaming and to avoid
falling he might spend
the rest of the day

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

political thought #6

doing God's work
is it really how God
would attack the situation
which side is lying
God has the decision makers
flustered telling mortal enemies
separately that they are doing God's work
somehow against each other
maybe the plan is population control
both sides believe they are right
by God but both believe war
is the answer wouldn't God
want peace you would think right
from my own learning
God is all about peace
everyone should stop hating
each other and start hating
the politics around the world
that create these wars
terrorism isn't going away
as we occupy their countries
and terrorism is the insurgency aimed
at the war policies of our country
they make their war decisions
over catered breakfast
lunch and dinner
never finding the terror mastermind
instead continuing the policy
that invented the terror
to begin with

ideas might come in
late night to a clouded room
cramp in the stomach
instead of moving I sit
and let the sound
dissipate into the dark
night air no care about
the politics until they start taking
what we consider minor luxuries

our tax money
being dumped as death and bombs
creating the perfect fighting machines
how many more will have to die
for the politics to come to terms
with what they are doing to the world...

Monday, November 15, 2004

stranded here

absolutely elevated
free emancipated
even if only for a handful
of minutes
or even a couple hours
some can hang
well into the night
to find a thought
stranded here
in the basement
still getting used to the seasonal
surroundings much rather
a window to look out
and see the night
sky light unless
clouds cover
the stars view
of all of us...

Sunday, October 3, 2004

nothing concluded 146

still fine without
nothing concluded
within the confines
of an existence
anomalous to some

anyone else
find themselves
inspired by
the regular moments
eternally saved in volumes

this serial thinker
joined momentarily
by one who knows
as well
and dreams while awake

he's attracted to this
idea as it were
a long lost friend
he never knew
nothing concluded...

Monday, September 27, 2004

after 8

driving around back and forth
on the highway just to watch
the sunset in an open sky
should have brought a camera
driving is hard enough
after 8 is enough as well
as anyone could ask for
no one knows the outcome
some wait patiently others pace
drive smoke and bite a nail or two
but after 8 it gets silly
to be standing he sits on the floor
driving home or somewhere
else that quick
stung like a finger
caught in the car door
30 seconds and blue
when he asks the professional
when the war will be over
don’t wait do it now
whatever it is make it now
no other words necessary
the war is inevitably perpetual
unless the people stand strong
and carry a big stick
stung with thought
day after day
looking into the stinger dripping
with magic inspiration
the backyard bares fruit
for the awaiting lungs
stung with compassion
don’t remember when it happened
sometime after 8…

Monday, September 13, 2004

September humidity

the fan upstairs sounds
like a helicopter getting close
sounds of a plane over head
vibrates the floor of this porch
where eye sit contemplating
the rest of the time left
lane must travel fast
to get in and out or linger
and make eye wonder
how and when
and when it’s done
eye hope he doesn’t want
to be a friend to the household
break another chair
and eye won’t charge
or pay any more
than happy to offer a hand
and it’s just a matter of time
and room to breathe proved
the lung capacity is not
fully diminished

the sounds outside
maybe confused crickets
sweat as it took until nine
to cool this September heat…

Sunday, September 5, 2004

wrongs written

a lot of times
my thoughts penned
here are disjointed
scattered and slightly random
but they aren’t your thoughts
if you don’t understand
what I am saying
you are halfway there
even if I am still here writing
the wrongs I have written

probably shouldn’t
get into a second verse
or slightly random
un-punctuated paragraph
but I did so there is no stopping
it is here even when I am there
writing the wrongs I have written

it’s been tough to transition
to this spot two years
finally makes it feel like home
the revelations have been
showing up daily
like the mail funny how I never
got a letter but I will continue
to write the wrongs I have written…

nothing concluded 145

what will it be tonight
nothing concluded
unlike any other
how long until the flame
meets in the middle

the remnants of September's
past litter the mind
from then on
who or would
argue with this fact

four degrees fell
in an hour
at this rate
it will be freezing
by four am

no one else
is keeping track
most on their
way home from
cook outs

beer and corn
forget the watermelon
because someone
forgot to cut it

fine without
nothing concluded
within the confines
of an existence
anomalous to some

it's the inspirational
regular moments
eye want to save
for eternity in these
volumes of serial thought

it'll probably take
all my life
to get them all out
Charles' thoughts still come out
and he's been dead since 1997

could've been 1999
he was in his
nothing concluded
fully loaded

with everyday
regularity the sounds
of the end
of the summer
take me into darkness

began and will end
with a pain behind
the left eye
twitch in my right
pen in hand

as always
nothing concluded
some nights will
be more quiet
than others...

Sunday, August 29, 2004

the day is done

the day is done
and the summer
is almost done
as well as he can be
at the moment
waiting for the future
to hold some certainty
again the day is done
puffing hard until the head
is cloud bound but the sky
is most certainly clear
the moon shines
and it may even be full tonight
or tomorrow whenever wherever
no doubt he will
take the time to check it out
when the day is done
tomorrow always brings more time
to the table but who could’ve known
it would come back this way again
for another look
the nights all seeing single eye
looking down to the cloud
he has created and it blows it away
like the flame on a candle in the window
whichever direction
the night takes him is where
he is going and it’s more of a challenge
to try to focus under the enormous cloud…

Friday, August 27, 2004

around this time

around this time
every night
the eyes began to cross
paths with lines
were intended
for these words
start to end
every thought done
up in the mind
with little time to spare
for thought with registered
approval cooked up in a lab
somewhere rather within a cloud
mistakenly misjudged
upon arrival
around this time
he starts to worry
suddenly revealing too much
a weakness which maybe
used by any known enemy
waiting in whatever car driven
the Friday night fireworks
are on time this week
but around this time
the eyes get weary
and the wind carries the sound
all the way across town
from west to east
opposite the sun behavior
and how long will the page the book
stay empty explosions quicken then stop
all of a sudden wishing more
read the shirt as he headed for home
how long until the catch
up to the criminal inside
the town that won’t admit
instead of a self-inflicted
label both city and one filled with champions
how does anyone know
if it’s truly the case
could be tried but the verdict
may not be pleasing
around this time
every night from now on…

nothing concluded 144

apparently not as much
time is as necessary
when most rest
he sits eyes wide
enough to see every sound...

tall healthy children
brought indoors
hope and good care
is all they need
nothing concluded

as if there is a point
to the chronic pen
movement after how
many years will
words become reality

exaggerating when it is
necessary to drive a point
home cutting himself off
from any outside

what will it be tonight
nothing concluded
unlike any other
how long until
the flame meets

in the middle
of a thought
he tripped over
his own stupidity
and fell

to the floor
and beyond
who could
help him up
from this spot

down low
and nearly out
waiting for the rest
of us to fall too
or so he says

nothing concluded
it may be all
he knows
after all the years
to be continued

no particular
direction just going
on and on
into another

one tall healthy child
helped create
not exactly what many might think
what one might know
without assumption

outside all the night's
sounds are fully audible
and the dog
will bark until
he is king of the neighborhood

protecting his turf
as the night gets
darker the sounds seem
to get louder
sirens are constant

background sound
as late as eye
will remain open
a mind closed
for nearly two years

nothing concluded
since written on
two Popsicle sticks
to remember
a dead bird

from that moment
on he felt charged
with the task
of keeping it going
nothing concluded...

Sunday, August 15, 2004

nothing concluded 143

voices in the dark
not my own
or any I recognize
out staring any ghost
in the dark

disappointed because
I live less than one hour
from more than one beach
and haven't visited
yet this year

room to room
searching for one
moment of silence
none to find
out it doesn't exist

alone for so long
forgot how to live
with another
thinking being
and much more

beautiful than I
nothing concluded
as always
light shining bright
from that spot

an interconnected
it's what one might
see when two
together endlessly

nothing concluded
probably not
the most appropriate
but it signifies
the continuation process

and it doesn't matter
how long it might take
days months years
nothing concluded

and so much
learned and stored
and shared
two ends of the same rope
untied waiting

nothing concluded
another thought
rising to the top
like bubbles around
the ice in your soda

the dog joins me on
the porch for some
smoke having no idea
nothing is concluded
barking just the same

just so he can
be loud
I swear he only barks
to hear himself