Saturday, December 31, 2022

story of Sunday

I seem to retell myself the story

Of Sunday morning

After church and going out to breakfast

To my grandparents’ house

I would always wonder upstairs

to the spare room which once was my dad’s

there was also a magazine rack in the bathroom

although I had never seen

anyone other than family go upstairs to that bathroom

only 2 massive magazines held the spot

and every week I would take them

into my dad’s childhood room and flip through the pages

Time magazine 1969 man’s first steps on the surface of the moon.

Looking back its crazy how interesting it was to me then

None of my friends cared much about it

I would ask my dad and my grandfather all about it

Such a feet to accomplish and

It was amazing to me how they made it look so perfect

for the cameras and the history of it all

Trying to understand why it happened and then it stopped

As I got older my Sunday morning story changed and always changes

Tomorrow it will change as well

Bouncing into a new year

Wondering now what might

the breakfast conversation be about this week?

keep it to myself

At a young age

we are taught about the globe

and where we live

on the map of the world.

My sister and her young daughters are seeing it now

Both have been to Brazil and back to north America at least once

As a Christmas gift

my sister got the girls

an interactive globe

that works with an app

to teach them about

the world in which we live.

In 2015 I came across a book called

Zetetic Astronomy by Samuel Rowbotham

It changed the way I looked at everything

when it comes to the globe and what we have been taught

living near the ocean all my life I have often wondered about the big

hump of water that must exist somewhere out beyond the horizon

I guess what I am saying is

It might be hard now

To keep it to myself

Having unlearned what, they taught

And seeing things with real eyes

To realize the Real Lies

drifting back a second


When writing first began

It was coffee shops and a backpack

Always in my car so I could stop there anytime

You could smoke in the restaurants then

Not that long ago really

but nothing ever stays the same.

I remember rainy nights before cell phones

And Wi-Fi and the internet as we know it today

My car a backpack filled with empty books my mind was filling

Sometimes friends would meet me there

Most likely out last them with the bottomless coffee back then

So many personalities congregated at that sometimes-lonely coffee shop

thoughts trailed off


It would be strange

if this is how

I continue my writing

and thinking with the pen.

I found an old book today

and because I

do not want to work

for a change

I decided to pick up

Where the thoughts trailed off my random thought.

A lot of unpublished random thoughts

to begin with but things have changed

and so have my thoughts and my views on things.

french toast


The sound of the rain

on New Year’s Eve

at the sunsetting time

despite the obvious

And of course,

sirens break the sound

and take over then pass

like the clouds above

back to rain on the pavement

and in the gutters above the porch

Dawn comes to mind

And French toast.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

All of My Books in ONE place... Right Here!!!

Who reads poetry anymore?

What is a random thought?

Wait, was that one?

Thank you for ending up here at nicefro press.
It's the online home of poet and random thinker
Ryan Lessard

here you will find over 

2100 poems and random thoughts...

this spot has become editing grounds for my future books

if you want to know how I got here it all started back in high school and continued through college where I received my bachelor's degree in English.
I graduated college in 1998 and by 2001 I found an online publishing company called iUniverse and published my first of 2 books of poetry through them.
below you can find the links to both books on amazon where you can browse the book for free.  If you know me I will always let you check out one of my copies too, so keep that in mind.

Beginning From the End 

Drop It!
Operation Leave Gravity Alone 


Although I took a big break from publishing my thoughts, I never stopped writing even if only journal entries or letters to friends and former friends.  I started back up in May 2014 when I found which is an online ebook creator and I published 10 eBooks of Poetry & Random Thoughts through them.  The links for all 10 of those books are below.
 Thank you in advance for any and all support...

Of By & 420 (April 2016)

Tell the Children the Truth (Feb 2016)

My Frolosophy (Sept 2015)

xL (July 2015)

The Shaken Soul Stirs (April 2015)

Back in the Shoe (January 2015)

Think For Yourself (August 2014)

When You Get There, Write (July 2014)

First Born (2014) (June 2014)

Thirty-3 (2014) (May 2014)