Monday, April 30, 2012

rewind to remember

rewind to playback
like an old cassette deck
until the tapes all broke
and there was nothing
left to hear rewind to find
where it all went wrong
what’s right still questioning
the night when everything
changed to force a separation…

rewind to a scene that somehow
makes the rest of this all
make sense which it won’t
and it doesn’t there is no reason
for things to have turned out
like this and eye can’t take
all the blame…

rewind and remember
words spoken in anger resonate
as they are rewound daily
almost by the hour
have had to remove myself
from the equation…

had no idea how

apparently I don’t need
to be upset to be hurt
and I know the decision
to stay away is mine
as well as can be
given the void created
knew sitting in that cell
my whole life had changed
just had no idea how…

knew madness would ensue
thought understanding would come next
lack of respect resulted in anger
and harsh words and hurtful thoughts
and seen as someone to be ashamed of…

not ashamed of what I have done
or become working hard day and night
to support the family I became a part of
but apparently blood is much thicker
than water no matter where it comes from
and new this well is as dry as a bone…

Sunday, April 29, 2012

one month like ten minutes

haven’t even unpacked
don’t know where to call my home
lost my spot and some would
say I gave it up but I know
never did I give up for one moment
even when in another room
always put in another room
can’t stay close in separated space
creates the walls that are not easily
dismantled when absolutely necessary
no doubt about the depth of feeling
when one month feels like ten minutes
and still wish I would wake
in my bed next to a the one eye love
and all of this would have been
the worst dream possible
never even crossed my mind
that I would be here today…

sharp pieces

pain as if I did
something to deserve it
up late night wondering
if I made the right call
now complete silence
is eight days old
no end in sight
we all deserve to be happy
having to conclude I
was not the right one
happiness and togetherness
faded away
sad days counting
twenty nine
nearly a month apart
standing alone
with my broken heart
trying to remove pieces without
bleeding to death
somehow still living and moving
from moment to moment…

Saturday, April 28, 2012

where is home?

mind out the window
seeing some flowers
catching all the suns light
trying to do the same
with new and different eyes
seeing the road ahead
as positive as can be
given the void created
space to let it all breathe
and try to understand
the cool breeze through
the bending trees
might never see that spot again
never got to say good bye
so many things undone
a life not finished uprooted
and blown apart scattered
in the cool breeze brought
to that place mind now out the window
seeing it from the outside in
for a moment a new clarity
as how eye was seen
as the cool breeze woke eye up
to a whole new world
some things will always change right
in the middle of everyday life
and nothing ever goes as planned
or hoped and tried until trying worked no more
no less than everyday
turned to night before
home could be reached…

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

same skies

beginning again out of necessity
alone looking to jah eye over stand
everything up to that point
out the weakness remove eye from
the equation no longer
see the same view
sit and think with different eyes
under the same skies…

ready for anything

standing alone again
on the water for the first time
see the sun rise
as it should be seen
now under the same stars
as one month ago
no one saw this coming
a rushing of emotion
while standing under stars
stronger alone finding quiet
much easier now
but nothing will quiet the mind
questioning every action
and reaction to cards dealt
have to be ready for anything…

mind confident battle scenes

painting the sky black
before the day ends
means and all in between
stuck in the mind
confident battle scenes
chaos confronted
sitting alone staring
at the wall knew at that moment
only the wind will tell you
that you are free
embrace that cool breeze
he always knew
but where were you
his arms touched each other
with nothing in between

singing some song with no voice
hated it before living on the water
understand simplicity again
finding again the strength
he knew he had but went unnoticed
distracted by his own quest for happiness
and in a position that did him no good
between feelings of intense love
embarrassment and distrust
a distance that could not be bridged
when needed most met with anger instead

writing the wrongs eye have been again
searching for happiness in the wrong direction
no one is going to write the book for you
you’ve got to put the words
you want
in it
for it to be you…

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

sit in it

rebuilding again
brick by brick
like the fireplace
had to leave it behind
dismantling what once
seemed strong
need to again find
that strength
and sit in it…