Wednesday, February 19, 2014

make a note

a few moths since
these leaves turned over
make a note
want to remember
every moment
might seem pointless
can’t let the fog as the snow melts
go unnoticed
did you happen to check it out
tonight maybe the moon shines
shooting star right through
Orion’s belt always seems to help
center the self quick
even in the rain
know where it should be
in the fog hiding in the shadows
sometimes better not to be seen
so often or at all
never will give up the game of words…

not in the wrong place

if you can see this from where
you sit just relax you are not in the wrong place
look at new ideas with eyes wide and mind open
up to you to stand out as individuals or
to fit into a collective group thought
politicians prefer you fall into one of their groups
you must stand out and sometimes you can’t fit in
look deep into your heart and mind
down with controllers all of them
on the thought of who to trust and believe in
yourself, that’s who…

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

winter numbness

winter numbs everything
twists together
gets buried under cold
layer after layer applied
then peeled once reentry made
any warmth probably accidental
like I meant it
every word heard absurd
but what are they really going to do
on the couch all day
watching what is there
do they have to anything to say
no thought original
and a pill for every bad attitude
each new day brings
never changing because they’d
have to make it and
it’s not dinner time
but I am hungry for some new thought
maybe rhymes rolling dimes
but I don’t need the money or the front
probably put the whole thing in one blunt
won’t smoke to get stupid but to elevate
everything I touch bring it with you
if you are going outside
but they won’t make it far without
the proper paper work or balls to break the law
it’s a little bit funny laughing from the kettle
smoke the pot no thought second
nature first place to travel
inward like eyes when tired
absorbing as much each day
try to learn it up
so really don’t look at me
like that when I put a flame
to it and burn it up…

nothing to do with conquest

if anyone really cared enough it could probably be stopped
there has got to be a better way to get along
is violence all we know as a society
one love never even considered
principle contradicted everyday bombs drop
more invasions and foreign entanglements
deeply warned by so many but ignored en masse
rooted too deep to topple all at once
in small spurts becoming less free
the privacy we one once guaranteed gone
mind controlled into thinking it’s for our best interest
of by and for the people never forget
every one of the bill of rights
American knowledge of US history must include
it and not forget it
is the security for the rights we were born with individual freedom
that is it, we need not fear government interference
we the people must have forgot or got conditioned
should we all become rebels again
have we lost the spirit of freedom and revolution
nothing to do with conquest, pure liberty
to those who value the future
do what you need to do to be awake
with whatever tools are available and necessary
conquest(ion) everything…

Monday, February 17, 2014

controls the pen

he might write all night long ten days straight
who am I to get in the way, he
controls the pen has for years
the stacks of books the library he is creating
present a picture of nearly nonstop thought
controls remain unmanned can’t take
the corner without flipping over going too fast
past haunts every day with all the bad decisions
he made forever making new decisions count
who he is now completely different
controls his own movement not just
the pen any more or less
past haunting being defeated
controls left unmanned until a new focus reached
the center where eyes would meet
future could be something else…

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

reasoning takes over

unfortunately things are not as they seem
our perceptions of things are based in half truths
education fails to develop independent thought
system built to destroy the family too
is this the new American dream
not exactly what they told us it would be
only takes some reading into the stories
failing to investigate breeds ignorance
to ignore the facts can’t
teach things that might be useful
critical times could be approaching
thinking as a collective will do no good
it results in dependence on other to take care
is this the new American dream
often I mistake freedom for freedom
itself defined needs no other words
a state of mind and being protected by the constitution
source it for yourself cannot argue
of course so many will and try to explain times have changed
confused and swindled into believing the government
rhetoric about being there to help people
and not cause more destruction than good
emotional distress in everyone everywhere
venting may in fact commence the American Spring
in the street people screaming with nowhere else to go
place faith in the government to lead only leads to let down
of course they will argue
systematic analysis necessary
reasoning takes over…