Sunday, July 28, 2002

up until 2

up until two they all said
and now he is the only one
with eyes wide open and not worried
but a slight bit concerned
that he might fall asleep
forgetting something important
up until one thought someone
would at least be here now
but everyone is tired
the wine did go great with the company
might as well been hand selected
perfect mix
up until twelve
thought for sure
the trees would still be rolling
but quietly instead
everyone files to bed
by this time
and he is left up
until two alone...


he will keep the vigil
if he has to every night
it became illuminated
again when the guru
stepped back into the scene
solid footsteps on shaky ground
below might give way
under too much weight
it will change everything
like the weather in New England...

Wednesday, July 17, 2002

until they are all tired

proceeding making plans
to overcome the obstacles
a stagnating mind
puts in his way
back machine turned ahead
in time never late
but he’ll wait
until they are all tired
of their schedules
the rat race they run
into the ground seems
like everyone is digging
or killing for oil
isn’t going to keep the hungry belly full
more money for millionaires
‘who wants to be one’
they mock us all on
tell lie vision operation mind warp
spin of the day
distracting from the diabolical deeds
devastated and the popular ignorance
is obviously the plan
put in action before he picked up the pen
like an axe to chop through doors
closed to the people proceeding
making plans to make the best
out of life is our choice how it is lived
up to him what he writes
as the stagnating mind has kicked it
into rapid white waters
cooling the day’s heat
burning new ideas
with old hands…

Saturday, July 13, 2002

it's amazing unquestioned

it's amazing how events
shape the days ahead
even when the reason seems
flawed facts flashed
in news bites
giving all what
they deem important
but leaving out the more disturbing
facts public outcry for
true justice seems to always
get smothered somehow
it's amazing the ignorance
is bliss meter rises to the top
everyone keeps on
like nothing matters
no one is trying hard enough
to find news from other available
means to escape the propaganda
machine spinning what we all need
to hear next following directions
out of fear and it amazes me that
so many believe all the hype
put the facts together on your own
make up your own mind
everyone is given the choice
follow the herds
or blaze your own trail
it's amazing all these voices
can be silenced
and this silencing can go