Sunday, March 31, 2024

time stands still again

twelve years ago 

almost as if time stands still 

it passes and we can prove it 

memories and pictures 

how many will honor 

how many will forget 

as if it never mattered 

to begin with what is this life 

confusion and beautiful chaos

how do we silence the mind 

enjoy the breath 

sit in the sun and feel the energy 

try not to let the thoughts escape 

without being noticed 

where do they come from 

is there a central source 

producing the thoughts 

to be received 

do they come from within 

the wrinkles of the mind 

built from our experiences  

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

beginning of the new

the focal point can be where it is most needed

give me strength words spoken by mother

sits with me forever now 

forever young no matter how many days since

or until some understanding is reached

up higher without the ladder

last time fallen hit every rung

even when the sun is unseen 

it's there for if it wasn't day 

it would be called night

and darkness would be a void

which is it tonight, thought

or receiver no one seems to care

too much and never has time to contemplate

the floating thoughts and how they became

the ladder stood upon last time fallen

missed every step now standing

feet firmly grounded 

remembering a first assignment and 

how it was crushed next breath could very well be

beginning of the new season

Sunday, March 17, 2024

only correct if it matches

trying to stay ahead of the persecutor within

the thin walls surrounded by nothing but thoughts

but there is no mind

the thought and receiver at the same time

how are we supposed to make sense of its ridiculousness

at times thinking we have it figured out

if we follow the truth what else can there be

here now and no where else

only a matter of time before night

time comes creeping in as the light creeps out

lining the clouds as if slowly sliding overhead

as it does every single day without fail

the circle of life has a lot more meaning 

than they ever wanted us to believe

couldn't even imagine today as a child

give me strength to understand somehow

the meaning of words on a page

or just one word

universe expanding but only if we truly understand

the clock above

wherever you might stand

not unlike the clock in the kitchen 

only correct if it matches