Sunday, November 26, 2006

stricken with silence

another month of near silence
pen stuck in the mud of non-thought
journal writing is automatic
like the weather bound to change
in the mind of non-thought
staring off into somewhere else entirely
visualizing that place not quite sitting
but comfortable another month
a failure in the skeptical eyes
of the alter ego another month
of knowledge and self scrutiny
under the microscope and the eye
my own got to do it alone
no one is going to pick it up
and eye will have to make it fly
be it's wings at 33
turning up everywhere
and even here now as the fire
turns the room smoky
and water in a glass it would be
half full and rising
or falling depending on the day
the trees are stripped
to skeleton fingers outstretched
over the neighborhood tonight
it's still early...

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

nothing concluded 172

more thoughts down
randomly throwing
ten years since
they lied then too
claiming mission
accomplished and
job well done
ask the soldier
who comes home
without his legs
how does he feel
when the president
jokes about the reason
we went to war
and how soon
until we the people
are labeled the enemy
again some might
not have to worry
how many more
years will we the people
be here to warn
the others
nothing concluded
another rainy
November night
probably been ten years
since Scorpios stood close
open to new ideas
sprouting like herbs
in a garden of knowledge
someone will forget
no doubt continuing
under some other name
who knows when it will
all make sense again
when will we the people
be able to feel secure
in what we the people
truly are
not herd-able
as some might believe
there will always be
those who stand out
and those who stand up
for what is right
despite what has been accepted
without checks
and balances as intended
some will say
time wasted
on thoughts that will
change nothing
but minds
can move the masses
to realize we don't
have a choice
to fight this
abduction of freedom...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

nothing concluded 171

there is no law
been said over and over
nothing found
all the research
turns up nothing
steadily approaching
wonder if it will
truly end
at ten years old
spilled ashes all
over the page
and keyboard
luckily none
got into the coffee
spent nearly
the whole day
alone and didn't
mind at all
other half will arrive soon
so many thoughts
colliding in the mind
hand pen page
keyboard screen
nothing concluded
just wondering
around my own
empty head
worried about money
as always
none of us have
enough to do
what we want
and need meet
in the middle
of one thought
and into the next
another appears
as if invited
we are all being
tricked she screams
there is no law
requiring we pay taxes
as we do
confused staring
at a weekly pay stub
with this amount
nothing concluded
searching for answers
to the simplest
questions in the hardest
times was and fear
and violence
into believing there
is no other
way back
when it all began
they lied the too
ten years since
randomly throwing
more thoughts down...

quiet month

quiet for a month
reaching for a new way
out of the same old
hole in the wall city
east of almost everywhere
sleeping by now
or choking on smoke
enter quiet in a minute or two
quiet too long
so much still to say
just haven’t found
the right road
and the vehicle
has always been
out of control…

Sunday, September 17, 2006

nothing concluded 170

as plain as
day time next door
you can hear
the conversation
down the street
silent autumn
nights until
the dog starts
yelling about
being short again

laughter and maybe
it’s a party
or someone
all alone

remembering the idea
over and over
again rereading
in order to move
something around

jump start
creativity when
it stumbles
over it’s own

is there time
for another
pot of joe
not knowing anyone
by that name

like my ring
when I shower
for fear of the drain
(and when I wash
the dishes)

extended summertime
feel in the night
air as I drift in
and out of a deep
or shallow

thought depending
on the moment
and if the sun
was out all day
most likely outside

at some point
look to the stars
through the trees
in the back yard
as high as eye can see

head down
full speed ahead
like the old days
in a closed down

resonating like the bell
returning to the
mindfulness of
each moment
as they stack up well

and they may
fall over at times
still hovering
above ground

driven to find
the next thought
and that
might be all

there is
to it
driven daily
and certain phrases
don’t like to repeat

everything changes
and it should
for it’s own good
and the good
of all involved

in a thought
can’t tear
away from the page
like a surge of energy
holding the pen there

exploding longer
than the usual
one page limit
as of late
nothing concluded…

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

halfway across

listening to the rain
knowing somehow that act alone
is about as free as we get
halfway across the country
in the middle of nowhere
someone with something special to say
back to the solitary nights
this pen is the crutch
can see as I walk from here to there
until morning and the eyes begin
to cross like they were t’s
until morning
when sun shakes water from leaves
behind the wall
underneath all the darkness
and rain written black ink white page
trying to fit back into my skin
after all these years
so many thoughts uninterrupted
dreams waking three
maybe four times
after sleep has come
nearly one am with nothing to say…

Saturday, August 26, 2006

my brother travels(for the record)

my brother travels westward tomorrow
might take two full days
before he is high in the mountains
thoughts and positive energy for
his safe passage…

for the record
we are closer than ever today
he needs to leave in order
to someday return
and no matter where
he finally settles
we will always be this close
for the record
it is a dream I will
never let go of
and when I wake he will be gone
my guru the man
I call my brother
and best friend…

Saturday, August 12, 2006

red alert(for the record)

red alert
more restrictions
will apply pressure
on the liberty
it’s been planned
months years even decades now
admitted surprises work better
to induce fear
it’s probably how the rich
we don’t know run the world
no longer merely pre midnight thought
hung out on the postgame show
tires screeching
as for some the night has
just begun
still drinking coffee
as if to stay up for a fight
for the record
obviously internal
no one else is here…

Thursday, August 3, 2006

and beyond

first night productive in a couple of weeks
the wind picks up and suddenly it’s 100
back down twenty or so it seems
even if it’s still high eighties
planes overhead that sound like cars
when I used to sit at Bickford’s
drinking shitty coffee and smoking cigarettes

completely crooked standing still
at the bottom of the hill
looking upward and onward
passed all my mistakes
empty pockets where hands once were
too generous until the hole dug
enormous and I don’t know which way is up
branches crack in the backyard late
someone taking the shortcut home
what if I leave some morning
and no one hears from me again
these days truly stranger than fiction
how many pages spent until something
makes sense here and beyond…

better than snow(for the record)

one hundred degrees
is not the norm
in the north east
this humidity can only
be experienced
not even talked about
everything is melting
ideas onto paper
nothing can stop it
water eating ice
sink swim or fall
whenever January to July
further beyond the coldest month
for the record
the heat is better than snow
take it over cold
any day and just as
pen melts into page
the temperature
starts to drop
and twenty degrees
in two hours
how about that
the rest of the night
enjoying a smile
like no other…

Sunday, July 23, 2006

time's up

a minute
later date
would be
idea pop
into the mind
at the strangest
time’s up

ready for sleep
and it’s tomorrow
out on the porch
right behind
my ears
eyes don’t do
much good
in the dark
time’s up

most likely

most likely
more angry than
anything else
no one hurt
quite the mess
one the way home

most likely
keeping someone
awake worried
without a call
music somewhere
far off in the night

music getting
closer loud exhaust
to match it all
these thoughts
don’t add up too much
of the time spent
cross-eyed thinking

some nights
out on the back porch
is the only remedy
for what has passed
too fast until tomorrow
bring back tonight
until all the sirens
cease until
they don’t stop…

wrinkle hand

wrinkled hands now
thirty-one years
what’s been learned
enough ten years ago
now knowing too much
can we ever  know too much
wrinkled hands put down a verse
or a whole thought
no one moves
everyone is asleep…

nothing concluded 169

back wood smoke
and the sound of music
far away carried
by the wind
across the city
nearly every sound
the dog goes nuts
and I still think
it’s because
he is a short dog
the coffee is strong
because I made it
tonight and not
the usual drive round
the block tonight
five minutes
prior to now
still sounds
from outside
across the city
new shoes
surprises are
always nice
partner in crime
upstairs just a minute
back down
being the pair that
will be eternally
nothing concluded
only months now
until serial thought
shifts to another
avenue (title)
everything changes
so small no
one will notice
until we all
wear microchips
in our pockets
maybe we do
and don’t
know it
already in the license
an endless ramble
ten years later
same conclusion
to speak plainly
nothing concluded…

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

only the moon

ee cummings proved how abstract
words can actually be
certainly uncertain about meaning
more than to invoke the spin
it might get dark fast tonight
only the moon shows
through the transparent clouds
overhead seventy-two days
how many cigarettes
have I avoided
and how could I miss
such a horrible habit
someone sick enough
to intensify
the draw
exists in this world
where are we now
some would say the end times
and isn’t that period
supposed to last hundreds of years
why are the rich and powerful
so willing to blow shit up…

write quick(for the record)

not nearly as hot as yesterday
got home from work
picked up the pen
write quick
what else would I do
for the record
overhead traffic route
a plane every twenty minutes
and on ground
a train every ninety minutes
been out for the last time tonight
the dog snores on the floor
this time only 8 minutes
between the planes
this time around
maybe a circular descent
put it down on a page
if the plane was a pen
anyone else listening
to the night
seeing these words
verbal interpretation
of these strange thought
visualizations wish I could paint
for the record
only slept five hours
last night
suppose that’s all I needed…

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

storm getting closer(for the record)

the rumble in the distance
a storm getting closer
maybe it will cool
this stagnant air
for the record
can’t remember the last time
it was this hot here
still drinking hot coffee
out of a mug bought in NH
dog at my feet on the floor
trying to stay cool by a fan
floor is cooler in the kitchen
how can I tell him that
sitting in the western most wing
of this house also white
another rumble and lightening
flashes closer still
heat wave might just break tonight
for the record
scent of rain coming through
the windows with the breeze
haven’t moved much
in the last few hours
had other plans until
the pen took my hand
as if it was afraid of the rumble
above the house
and the rain in the trees…

this late

hardly ever this late
night writing retired
years ago on a porch
that no longer exists
in memory alone
have to wait another
ten minutes since
brother left door if you are
looking from the street
remains quiet tonight
inspiration left behind
as if by design
everything from above
falls rapidly approaching
wishing for another trip
down a flight of stairs
somehow not becoming
familiar with surrounding
areas of the mind
field running but getting
tired of the commute…

Monday, July 17, 2006

terrible reign (for the record)

it’s almost tomorrow
thinking about war again
a strange idea
the Solomon solution
bring down the temple
no one will make it through

some terrible reign
for the record
an artist is hard at work
thinking sitting
on the floor at midnight…

Saturday, July 15, 2006

shoes on nowhere to go

still got my shoes on but the feet
need to rest for the night
not going anywhere
sleeping downstairs
and it’s so hot I stay awake
could be thunder
or a jet rumbling above the head
deep in the night sky darkness
short thoughts like stray heart beats
just in case I skip one or two
because of an allergic reaction
to something in the air
shorter breaths and eye lids flutter
as if to tell me something
and I am not listening
wanting to see the sun rise
three days in a row
stays with me all day long…

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

still a puzzle(for the record)

more terror in India
who benefits
first question always
who suffers
always the same answer
innocents in the way
and soldiers doing their duty
a means to what end
only truth seekers piece
together the puzzle until
it becomes a clearer picture
still a puzzle made up
of half-truths splintered
with boldface lies and rumors
for the record
the real motives still unknown
as usual
some sick and twisted formula
no one know how
never mind if it is even meant to work
for the record
day two page seven
writing out under
all these numbers might get wordy
does anyone really mind…