Friday, September 26, 2014

transaction of thought

not for entertainment purposes
but will certainly entertain
the possibility that those
opening and choosing to read
might force a thought or two
not hoping the reader is entertained
instead hoping the reader
is engaged in thought
not an entertainer just a thinker
writing it down for those
who choose to read and contemplate
complete the transaction of thought
entertainment tends to distract
these thoughts can be involved in the day
not distract a reader from the day at hand
this is dropping thoughts in the readers
way to pick them up and take them
with them
wherever they might go… 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

sensing the change

sensing a change coming on
pushing through into another beginning
right where I began
all these journals
summer work to keep the mind sharp
pens and blank books for days
after school ended for the summer
to document the time away from learning
finally verbalized and unlearned
nearly a stranger by myself again
stranger than ever
hating the raging wars
still they begin new ones
merely twenty-four hours ago
sensing a change can’t wait for it to take over
giving my entire life a makeover… 

Monday, September 22, 2014

water meets sand

really just want
to write something
that might interest someone
showing when the mind
wanders someone might
want to read about it
always loved reading
random scribblings
of another's mind
proving mine isn't awkward
not even uncommon
just want to put down
something positive
get me through the day
then the night falls
at the feet of something
amazing and brand new
surely most thoughts
aren't even written
this doesn't stop me
of those thoughts written
some won't get read
merely skimmed over
like flat rocks on a peaceful pond
stand exactly where
water meets sand...

Sunday, September 21, 2014

never knew

three hours late still puffin tough
most would have had enough
can’t explain why the thoughts won’t stop
and I will most likely keep walking
once I get to the top
might sit for a minute or even an hour
cool air rushes in through the window
with a quick shower
really fast moving straight through
finding a new thing every day that I never knew…

Friday, September 19, 2014

crazy thoughts from all directions

some of the thoughts might be specific but
times change in different situations
eye crossed tripping over feet still
feel the ground below standing knee deep in
crazy thoughts from all directions
but with a forward focus
not getting caught stuck behind
what is gone is gone and
you will be better without
might miss a conversation or two
think I might sink back into the mind
crazy thoughts from all directions
like change in everything I know
eye staring into future ideas
think I can push through
too much time spent pushing so
much thought…

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

absorbing knowledge daily

ready to make a move
can’t stop until eye see
home absorbing knowledge
daily putting down thought
because I think
and I don’t want it
to go to waste
won’t get caught up in the we
heard it on the news again tonight
WE are NOT and never have been
the decision of the STATE
aka the government
aka our (s)elected leaders
ready to make a move
for positive change absorbing
knowledge along the way…

their plans-war all the time

more time passes and what a mess more
than ever working to open eyes and minds
anything to reveal the truth behind it all or
else we are force to stand on lies
we don’t demand accountability we
need to realize our leaders never worked
to ensure our liberty safety and freedom
realize that both political sides support war & more destruction
neither side is working for peace
left or right war is still not the answer
or aggression at all being violent is not
right and every day they are improving their plans
will unfold as we still have to search for the truth
stop supporting the lying fools
the real enemy of humanity are the
wars that the leaders conduct to carry out their plans…

Thursday, September 11, 2014

let freedom be

life can be a day full of questions who
is actually all knowing when it comes to
a history we all are a part of a strange
series of wars that seem to have no end shrug
of the shoulders as it has been going on too long
natural to be attacking foreign lands
and stealing resources for profit?
spontaneous revolts shot down
changes made but they all seem the same they
don’t benefit the people instead only the powerful
resist the belief in all the lies told by
them that create fear and control the narrative

that biggest lie might never be admitted
only more laws rules fee and fines
creates a control grid with conditioning
sorrow weighs heavy on the mind of many

let freedom instead live in the heart and mind
reality is still ours to create
be here now not tomorrow or yesterday
reality is ours!—create!

let freedom guide with art and many other
things that make up this collection of thought
flow without any pressure
naturally progressing and watching the main stream stasis
forward only up and beyond
in the heart and mind dwelling
whatever is done individually done louder
way back into the folds of the mind
they want to stop our flow
like the strongest river power through
          —let freedom be our strength…

still don't believe a word

don't believe a word of it
don't support war of aggression
of any kind
everyone has the right to defend
but creating an enemy
in order to have someone
to be at war with
that's just grimy
not just that
this time the boogie man
ushered in the unstoppable
war on terror
but wait war is terror
is it 1984?
who writes the scripts
for these news readers
double speak has permeated the media
should we have to sift
through the news to find a little truth
and stay informed
a responsible media would report
the truth instead
we have a media selling us more fear
more reasons to continue
multiple wars of aggression
we have a media garnering support
for a military industrial complex
killing in multiple wars of aggression
we have a media that does not report
the truth and still preaches obedience
to a broken system and they will say
it's not broken but I still
don't believe a word of it...

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

probably pushing it

less than five months
four books of thoughts
published for the public
to consume criticize or condemn
need more eyes to see
give it a chance
not what one might think
most of those close take the time to read
and support the thought cause
true freedom within these pages
constantly changing but
always starting as blank pages
books given or bought
filling them for some higher
purpose possibly pushing poetry’s
definition but it’s what is done
question everything and anything

some thoughts haven’t even formed yet…

4th eBook of the Summer... THINK FOR YOURSELF