Tuesday, July 29, 2003

this crazy world

sometimes I find myself
wishing I was in the middle
of somewhere else
where life might be different
happy here in the moment
would be fun to live
this life in a different place
change of scenery
each morning I watch
the night wake into day
how nice though would
those first splashes of color be
coming up over mountains
or a beautiful ocean-scape
truly believe everyone
needs a change of scenery
from time to time
and to see the natural beauty
of sunrise somewhere new
for a change
in this crazy world…

close out the day

funny how a day can pass
so fast without seeming
like anytime at all
sometimes all confidence
is lost then sitting backward
with Charles Bukowski
some hip hop and a smile across
the room and the moment lasts
for hours and funny how not many
might take note of these things
maybe because others don't
care to waste the time
thinking of what to say
put the pen to page and get it
out of the way as three or four
get flipped in each sitting
hits the ground running
another silent sound
created time and space
moving in every direction
won't cross it out to make a correction
keep moving on might actually
fix itself if not tomorrow will
still be a sunny day
somewhere above even the thickest clouds
especially when they threaten to darken
this day and it's funny how
the slightest sound or breath
of silence will send the mind rattling
down one of those hallways
that keeps going until
the pen starts to get the page
a bit messy realizing eyes
starting to close out this day...

hope is dead

Bob Hope died yesterday
so now I can no longer
say 'keep Hope alive'
goes to show me what is funny
and what is not funny at all
he was 100 years old
and now he is dead
honestly I didn't really think
he was all that funny
anyway his biggest audiences
were troops overseas
or home for a break
and I guess when the job is
killing and gruesome
and not at all funny
Bob Hope could get you laughing
so to the soldiers he gave a smile
he will be missed...

Tuesday, July 22, 2003

extreme sound

who will hear
this voice not loud
like an unhappy child
loud like an explosion
taking with it many blocks
building in reverse
with no warning
or preparation
just extreme sound from
all around...

the heat is terrible

the heat is terrible
everything is sticky
can't put a shirt on my
back with out it getting
soaked while my bandanna
remains drenched too
the smell of rain in the breeze
soon the rain will fill the sky
outside the air will cool down
until the I will sweat
in the heat still terrible
pain in the brain
until all the thoughts released
into the freedom of these pages
given a thought to go on
now is the only choice
in the heat struggling to keep
focused on the task at hand
out reached waiting to be held
late night until eyes closed far away
from the heat and terrible humidity
making the air outside nearly
unbreathable inside smoke surrounds
like sound of thunder rumble
and lightning flashing above
lit up momentarily like a strobe light
and the heat is not so terrible
after rain cuts through the humidity
into the dark night sound
on leaves and grass soaking up
all the heat still terrible
breathing and sleeping weather
then when all hope for a cool rain is thrown away
the colder front slams into the side
of this humid night...

next to words unwritten

the rain pounds the ground
and his hand almost won’t grip the pen
sliding right out of hand
onto the page next to words
he hasn’t written yet
the thunder crashes overhead
rumbles the walls and floor below
what would it be like
if he didn’t write it all down
what would he do with all his time
spent thinking and reading
distracted by all the noise
the rain pours down in buckets
but it wouldn’t matter if he didn’t
write it all down for some to see
lucky or unlucky who is to know this
who has these answers…

Saturday, July 19, 2003

strength & patience

the night is sticky
just sitting still
might make him sweat
thinking it’ll all make sense
in reality nothing
seems real anymore
parts to a grand dream scattered
here and there
for the rest of his life
hoping someday
all the pieces fit
with no trouble
from any direction
positioning himself
behind at times
he doesn’t want to be seen
heard long ago
that nothing comes easy
strength and patience
go hand in hand…

Monday, July 14, 2003

free fall from 12 thousand

one month since last cracked
this book and no one knows why
two books going at once
and I haven’t asked around
guess I just assume
no one knows why
even if they do
do they understand
the stagnating thoughts
they are reading them
and that is the point
tonight tomorrow or Wednesday
getting my thoughts read by others
some might think as much
close to overload as one can get
get one free if you pay for the first
sixty seconds is a free fall
from twelve thousand
on your birthday…

Friday, July 11, 2003

silence on the porch

silence and the rainfall
sounds heard tonight
silent approach
to thoughts unknown
old pen new thoughts
try desperately to flow
smooth something’s blocking
the flow stop in the action
something’s in the way
silence all that surrounds
at night darkness takes
overhead a blanket
smudged words
on the page
not quite as remembered
silence much different
everything feels fine
it’s where he began
and will end all over again
who could’ve predicted
this outcome silence
and a night called Friday
still no weekends
anymore for the American worker
stuck behind one day off
and a ridiculous hourly wage
silence will never equal
the riches other will attain
in material riches can’t buy
happiness more stress never rest
to keep silence from attacking
him where he sits
on the porch…

Friday, July 4, 2003

ring in the empire

what if this is the last
all the freedom has become the past
ring in the Empire bombs blasting in air
how many of these patriots notice or care
we are lied to daily on one level or another
what’s next a civil war where we all kill each other
or more terror attacks instilling more fear
into the soft flesh of our liberty it’ll tear
they are promising security from danger
they are all lies and it brings on the anger
and the contempt for what’s done in our name
we are the pieces in the big power game
if it’s really going to be the last
should we bow down before every question is asked
and answered when did they stop working for us
they keep us distracted betraying our trust
convinced all is done with our freedom in mind
but they limit that freedom wherever they can find
all of these fireworks are in celebration
can’t help but think of similar sounds of devastation
in foreign lands coming soon to a city near you
when will truth be resurrected and come into clear view…