Tuesday, January 29, 2002

nothing concluded 111

some won't understand
why he sits and moves
from thought to thought
alone again and again
doesn't get the hint

head down pen moving
nothing concluded
over and over
lurch standing tall
guzzling coffee

as if it could quench his thirst
sitting down making himself
right at home in the other's space
trying to create is much harder
when someone gulps coffee

like a dog drinking from a bowl
on a hot summer's day
somewhat sickening
day three in orange shirt
and blue jeans

fourth cup of coffee in 30 minutes
still trying to quench that thirst
staring out the window
saying too much all at once
nothing concluded...

Tuesday, January 22, 2002

nothing concluded 110

up all hours
reminds him of the days
way back to out back
on the porch
until the hand goes numb

or until rain same down
drenching the page
making the ink run
in unintentional directions
all too familiar

now warm on the couch
still hungry missing mother
and family some nights
are worse than others
wanting to close eyes

just so tomorrow
comes sooner
no use though as tomorrow
will bring little change
nothing concluded as usual...

Sunday, January 13, 2002

nothing concluded 109

the ink runs down
quick as if it's a constant flow
even when he's not moving the pen
the pen somehow gets empty
sometimes he wonders

if he writes in his sleep
unknowing not even knowing
in which book he maybe
doing this unconscious
writing for a mile

stepping back
connecting the end
full circle
beginning from the end
and still nothing concluded...

Thursday, January 10, 2002

dreaming in reverse

dreaming in reverse
back when he longed for some attention
didn't know it always came
with strings attached
real person back to wooden puppet
who knew it would happen in reverse
as it has been unfair
made to feel he lives his life wrong
dreaming his reality alive
waiting for some to really notice
what's being said three tables away...

what to do with time

what to do with time 
spent in thought he would 
have the problem keeps multiplying 
two times two still equals four 
o'clock comes too soon 
all might see for now 
what really happened 
who's really to blame 
what's this new war all about...

what to do with time 
to expose any information 
spread it while the nightly news 
only misinforms and distracts 
the public from what's really going 
on going question remains 
does anyone even care? 
funny how some may never 
explore contradictions in a flight 
from Boston to LA 
with an eternal layover in NYC 
funny how it should have been stopped 
and instead it became a televised terrorist event 
funny how his mind won't let go of 
the contradictions won't rest without truth 
while he waits another day away 
he smiles knowing very few might 
come close enough to realize 
there is more beneath the appearance...

nothing concluded 108

had he been working
his day would be half over
instead he is concerned
an early riser by those
who bring him coffee

he never seems to get too far
even on his day off
today is the great January thaw
it's got to be nearly
fifty degrees

he's already found his cloud
today again some will never approve
of the style whether it's the clothes
on his back or the twists he puts
on his head at nine in the morning

if they really cared
they would be here
close to the top
nothing concluded
had he an idea

what he might be up against
he would prevent
the attachment from taking hold
mind and heart
pounding in four nails

jc style and he feels as though
he may have helped
him carry the wood
had he been there
and had any idea

what was really going on
under first hours of sunlight
thinking of the sunrise
he used to know
seems like only yesterday

it probably was
while walking over a bridge
without a watch
surely watching
but nothing concluded...

Sunday, January 6, 2002

patience is the pill to take

sun hasn’t quite gone down
yet the gray day makes it seem dark
the sky has that ‘it’s gonna snow’ look to it
could look like this for months now
until a break and weather change
he is training the mind
to accept rejection
even coming in the form of smiles
that ‘I can change your mind’ look
followed by a look of disappointment
he knows he was not the right man for the job
requiring him to be something other than himself
how many sets of eyes would he have to please
luckily he too saw the sun rise this morning
reassuring him that what is meant to be will be
and as long as it may drag on
patience is the pill to take…

Saturday, January 5, 2002

nothing concluded 107

found a silver penny
that sticks to a magnet
something to makes him wonder
straying from the down time
night full of smiles

thrown out the window
as only a fool would do
not disturb sign on
his door that he didn't put there
in a place that is so hard to secure

uneasy space he created as the one
made to be the fool
who loses in the deal
cards scattered he's alone
the sun will rise for someone else instead

there's nothing concluded
as one might say solving
a problem might create another
and what would seem conclusive
will prove to be opposite

memories will slide show through
the mind until remembrance
occurs rapid repetition until
it sticks in the mind
overloaded again

positioned conveniently
between what's known
and what's yet to be known
soon to be learned
never to be forgotten

by the side of the road
of infinite wisdom
not only given to a few
available to all with the ambition
to search and find

within ourselves
a spot of complete
it's an eternally changing spot
and nothing can be concluded...

Tuesday, January 1, 2002

nothing concluded 106

it's too bad he cannot
see into the mindfulness
with compassion and a certain
kindness that extends wall passed
the scope of physicality

it's too bad he cannot see
himself the way
others do maybe then
he would change to make
someone else comfortable or happy

it's too bad nothing
can be concluded
think how much easier things would be
if conclusions could
actually be made

it's too bad things could
not be easier to deal with
together he just doesn't
seems to work well
under this kind of pressure

it's too bad he is not good enough
as he is and even if he
regains some of the confidence
he had beaten
out of him

it's too bad they can't leave
him alone to explore his own
explanation for things
now left

it's not so easy as she says
not a way to free up time
for anyone else
only desire is
to find himself

deep within confines
of a mind no cages only lines on pages
and it's hard not to call
or run right over
to see a smile

deep within a mind
secrets painted on walls
no one can see
drawings under the carpet
nothing concluded...

just one cup of coffee

just one cup of coffee
for the morning he missed while at work
late night too tired to try to think straight
be aware of what’s going on all around
wishing he was sleeping instead up all night
into the new year
today is just like any other day
just one year later soon no one will notice
just one cup of coffee
and then he’s off to somewhere else
playing hide and seek with himself
as the day moves onward
he is still counting on some sort of change
taking over and never letting go
keeping the constant a change that will not stop
no matter how many wishes are made
just one cup of coffee
then he will be on the run
from his own thoughts
and ideas trapped in his cage
created for the rest of us…