Sunday, April 12, 2020

easter sunday 2020

It really doesn't have anything to do with the current state of the world.  It doesn't really feel like any holiday without my Mom here to make it special.  We do our best but no one did it better.  She is glad we try and is with us all everyday in our own way.  I sat in her chair today and looked at the view she had in her final days, but it was fall and all the leaves were dying.

The trees are ready for a new season the garden is ready for new plants and vegetables to add to the dinner plate.  Something gave me a very uplifting feeling and more positive than everyday before.  I transplanted 4 seedlings and one was so dry I thought I might lose it.  I knew that if I got to it fast enough I could save it on Easter morning.

Within an hour all four seedlings were enjoying the real sun and fresh air for a few minutes before the go back into their house for another week or so before the warmer air arrives.  My Mom visits in me in different ways.  Today she showed up in a picture I was taking of my Dad and Ana & Emilia in the Easter dresses...

I have an amazing family and we are blessed in so many ways.

We miss you Mom thanks for letting us know you are still keeping a watch over us.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

so this happened today


well this ridiculous phase of reality has begun, people literally think a cloth mask is going to protect them from getting the Flu.  I swear I know everyone wants to be careful, but covering our faces to avoid germs, then how does our body build strength and immunity.

I will not mention the name of the friend from work who sent me this today, but really I do not want to pretend I am afraid of something that is not ever going to pan out to be anything more than a strain of the Flu.  This isn't to blow up the spot of the person who sent this to me it's just for future reference.

Who knows I could be wrong...