Tuesday, June 28, 2011

of this life(for the record)

for the record
seems everyday
of this life
gets harder to handle
trying to figure out
how to let go
with both hands…

Monday, June 27, 2011

lonely(for the record)

the fire was started
with a page from this book
under clear night sky
fire now roars

for the record
I could and do
stare into the flames for hours
thinking and hoping for a better day
somehow reaping what I was sowing
lonely when I shouldn’t be
been taking a lot of pictures
documenting moments
in this here life
for some reason or for the sake
of doing it ideas changing
as the fire burns the wood
to nothing

for the record
the silence too
golden alone under
cloudless air
above only thoughts
keep the vigil out
behind the house…

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

burning again (for the record)

burning again
first day of summer
longest day of the year
been awake most of it

the breeze feels cool
that fire burns
hot on top of sheets
layered will be under them
resting soon

4 the record

best part of the day
where I have always belonged
resting soundly
loving madly
waking lucky each morning

all the sounds of tonight
surround friend and companion passed
somehow always here
by my right arm
or beneath my feet
when I burn

longest day of the year
still under sensei cloud
still under clear night sky
4 the record...