Sunday, April 22, 2001

voice of the voiceless

read the story of his life
new respect rising from these words
intrigued to know more about
the voice of the voiceless
sat down nine o’clock
opened On A Move
didn’t close it until I finished it
unbelievable that someone
could do so much good
with his journalism
to expose corruption
and help victimized people
could be shot framed and convicted
of murder and now awaits death
a story of a target to be silenced
not a cop killer truth be told
truly the voice of the voiceless
look it up and read it up
free Mumia and free The Truth…

Saturday, April 21, 2001

sticky afternoon

beginning to break a sweat standing
still no breeze
chill comes one day then humidity the next
two minutes feel like hours
could be days before
he is allowed back into the population
finally the electricity is back
and the ceiling fan spins on high
takes the edge off the stagnating air
this sticky afternoon...

sugar high

green bottle afternoon sugar high
above the busy street
and car alarms blare
making sure no one is sleeping
this afternoon the sun plays chase
around and through the clouds
here one second gone the next
time you hear the sound of the wind
pause and see into your thoughts
green bottle and a little smoke
turn the afternoon perfect
as the sun shines down like the first time
this year has much to offer
but what do I do but waste on the porch
looking down who's got anything to say
everyone in their little circles waving back and forth
trying to catch a glimpse of when the sun shines down
into their lives for a change of scenery
do they even know what they want
green bottle and a phone call to make...

Thursday, April 19, 2001

way out there

it can be hard to understand
the other side might be right
away he is wrong
move from the edge
in a voice too scrambled
to hear or there might be
another side as well
with someone who is right
in front of everyone who will look
into an eye opened at all times
are going to change if it’s allowed
enough for all to hear
and now slightly proud
what’s been put in print
words no longer remain
only in the brain sealed
the mind might change
if given the chance
to sit in the sun
burning through the morning clouds
they don’t stand a chance
when it comes to what
is said and heard repeatedly
making stories out of thoughts
and things might make you want to freeze
actions until further notice
every bud in the trees that hang
from overhead to over heard
like the songs that the birds sing
from way out there…

reached deep

reached down deep
blue above wind all around
as if in water
still dying of thirst in the mind
headstand just to straighten
things out number nothing
getting them here remains the only
problem unsolved like a mystery
amusing on lookers like a traffic accident
without purpose writing with what comes out
pay no attention to how
and don’t ask why it won’t make sense
still common enough
to make one read no audience can hear
where he sits only cats and birds
can comment with song
that’s if they can read over his shoulder
it’s quiet out in the sun no relief
cool breeze blowing smoke back in his face
the other direction is slow
and his fingers can’t stand the cold
air in April an oxymoron
like living the weather in New England…

Wednesday, April 18, 2001

died in San Pedro

all the words get lost
when snow returns to April
showers too cold for most to handle
his head could nearly explode
with information how many million
situations seated squarely
across the table set for one
might show him he is not always wrong
way down the one way street
he knows too well been stuck in the headlights
he hasn't moved an inch
someone will turn him the right way eventually
going back to where it might all make sense
probably not as he rethinks his path
stopping as his lights dim
in the presence of another
sometimes it is not supposed to matter
it it makes sense
it's just life and people just don't seem
to care about the words
scattered dying in the streets of San Pedro
rebirth in the east at nineteen
unknowingly choosing the pen
and smoke over bat and ball
how many are really disappointed

Tuesday, April 17, 2001

possess the painting

sitting on the floor once again
no eye contact
what could the thoughts
be after all this time
only visiting a painting
place once called home
maybe not long at all
or long enough
he knows the song
well enough by now
everyone else is going
here and there
and he remains stationary
still sharing a laugh
from time to time
is it the goal to possess the painting
he doesn’t feel the same
about the sculpture he sees
can’t get eye contact and
no one allows him closer
than arm’s length…

two different faces

how does it make sense
when you step back
out of you for a second
see him and don’t ignore the thought
rapid return and two stories unfold
one on the same side of the table
once heard saying he was
favorite writer or something
yet never a free moment for the friend
he is not trying to accomplish anything
and probably doing a good job at that
seen both of the faces
not even sure if it is known…

should have known

417/2001 420pm

he's right in thinking

it's amazing he is still here

the wind blows

from all directions

seeming to point to the end

of his pen forgetting he could never

take on responsibility

within a structure

that has so many cracks

and loopholes to get lost in

the shuffle of qualified persons

forgetting he could never

be taken serious

on any level the playing

field any questions to those

who really give a shit how many dollars

the store can make

it's as if he

might never make it

in the cruel business

world with nothing

to lose he closes his eyes

to the future dreams

within the dirty walls

thought to be thick

with everyday people

doing everyday things

and this should be enough

should have known...

Thursday, April 12, 2001

more than he thought

it’s late and he’s not really here
he musters some energy
makes a call
he says hello
the reply says everything
he feels it might be
excitement he hears
so far away
possibly dreaming
back to when everyone
right around the corner
now everyone is gone
the shadows trick his mind
into thinking it’s not too late
he is more awake than he thought…

Friday, April 6, 2001

on the death of your father

remembering what
was it
made me think of you
might lose a step or two
much on shoulders
give me some
times the strong must be weak
to be strong too long
time since you rested
your head in the bed
it must seem surreal
life stretched out
like a puzzle
enough missing pieces
the full picture is hardly ever seen
thoughts resemble
dreams resemble
memories and tears
might flow for no reason
or they will get stuck
behind eyes caught in a stare
climb to the top step
bring it all close and let it go
every time you think you might burst
from the inside filled with sadness now
remembering what was it you said to me
when feeling lower than ever thought possible
don't despair hold head high in the air
too many around can't ask what is fair
nothing is
imperfection stumbling and getting right back up
even when you are down
not out in the cold alone
never alone always in our hearts
connected endlessly...