Friday, October 30, 2009

we will all be broke

how many have attempted
to stand strong and hold their ground
against tyranny and the hypocrisy of now
short bursts of thought strategically placed
buried within tons of other thoughts
and things that might not make sense to most
at least some will not give up the fight for the republic
if the people don’t have the opportunity
to make more money how is the economy
ever going to get any better
the question answers itself
maybe a population bailout
what the people really need
not a bunch of bankers taking more
money for themselves a matter of time before
everyone will be working for the government
because only the government will have money
and we will all be broke…

american cheese

corporate greed
sneaking slowly
into a unique market
based on customer service
and delivering a little extra
thought would be to organize
but to what end
little guy shooting himself
in the foot while the other foot
stomped on by corporate greed…

Thursday, October 22, 2009

new world order

bankers rule the world
they hold politicians
by strings we do not have
a government of by and for
the people instead have
a government in debt
to the bankers who rule the world…

thought spot

sounds of the night
bringing my awareness
to some sort of centering
point within the October breeze
it moves the trees
reminding him to enjoy the moment
soon winter will have its way
with this thought spot…

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

another sinkable ship

how many care or even know
we live in a republic
can anyone remember the pledge
of allegiance how many care to know
we have been hi-jacked
a criminal elite group of bankers
willing to sink this republic
like the titanic or some other
sinkable ship October twenty-one
fighting the new world order
one thought at a time… 

warm today

extra warm today
feels like the end
of summer
not the beginning of fall
the boy shoots
invisible enemies
and I just mowed the lawn…

Monday, October 19, 2009

break from reality

everyone enjoys the break from reality
some choose to live in it
wishing they were really there
when reality says they cannot be
anywhere else except here right now
everyone enjoys the break from reality
imagine being brought up in it
thinking the television is a member
of the family a brainwashed society
growing up to believe the reality showed
is comparable to any reality here
everyone enjoys the breaks from reality
a book with plenty of words
or none at all until thoughts explode into words
everyone enjoys the break from reality
a walk around the block at sunset
to clear the mind can do the same
if not more than the television
distorting reality… 

take hold and take over

no longer in the noisy diner
drinking the cold coffee
smoking cigarettes turned into cigars
back steps turned into front deck
two floors up then back porch enclosed
basement isolated reborn outside miles away
and ten years can do a lot to a man
still a stranger to myself
introducing him to me
everyday reinventing
what it was wanted
ten years ago and still
today lies dormant
waiting to take hold
and take over… 

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

watching you through sliding glass

watching you through the sliding glass door
feel your warmth from fifteen feet away
what are you thinking as I am outside
thinking of only you
cold now where I sat summer sweating
every single day as I want to do no wrong
no move no spoken of no thought not
transmitted somehow to you
might take a few days for you to sift
through all these thoughts
you will gather them and see
few stray from the center
my focus happens to be you
in case you didn't know
watching you keep warm in the cold
tonight my favorite time of day
approaches quickly said it's your favorite too
when you eyes gently shut
resting to welcome tomorrow
positive thoughts and vibrations
all our future together...

pen hand resting

thoughts don’t stop
even while the pen hand
is resting even though
it might fall asleep
during daylight hours
piled up sometimes
it’ll give me a headache too
until I open a blank book
and unload as if into a target
and this pen my gun…

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

mental state

still scribbling in these books
the sixteen year old
calls me a psycho
what does she know
about my mental state…

now we know for sure

people still tend to believe
it’s about right or left
proof in first months of change
now we know, for sure
no change the government gives us
is going to be any better
the wars aren’t headline news
yet they still rage and our soldiers still die fighting
the economy is worse than they say it is
worse than ever before
now we know, for sure
no one within government
is going to really help any one of us
now we know, for sure
that Wall St. and the international
bankers run the show
and protect their power
limiting the freedom of speech
those who are defending our republic
who will help us when tyranny
truly takes over in a city near you
now we know, for sure
that something must be done…

Sunday, October 11, 2009

still stacking fruit

seems so much later than it is
listening to the night sounds
on the deck looking skyward
never could see stars from where I sat in Brockton
now in a town called Hanson
and so many stars
but it's early still
the air is not quite cold only cool
breeze barely bending
trees completely surrounding traffic heard from a far
enough distance it barely breaks the silence
seems so much different
only ten miles south-east
closer to the ocean
if I ever learn to swim
hear more planes overhead
than cars on the road where I live now rest my head
after a long week
still stacking the fruit after all these years...

nothing concluded 183

looking back into
a twelve year old thought
in a completely
different place
one lucky to have found

wearing a winter hat
with no hair under
and the real cold
still two months
away from tonight

new members of family
found and created
never thought of
twelve years before
tonight remembering

what the mind
was like back then
can I even remember
lived where my brother lives
and sister lived

before her move
out of the country
Brazilian by marriage
we look at the same
moon different vantage point

looking through my fields
for new thoughts
may have been planted
twelve years ago
still growing

the cat is younger
than this thought
only a couple
months as he visits
the left arm tonight

time flies when
you take the time
to sit and think
about it for long enough
you might get lost

in memories
some still feeling
like just the other day
somethings are constant
knowing at least, nothing concluded....