Thursday, March 31, 2016

wind in my mind

the wind
has been so strong
today like no other
day I can remember
without rain and a storm
or snow and blizzard
conditions hard to concentrate
and enjoy the sunset
as the wind corners
me no matter where I sit
then everything suddenly
becomes calm lasts 5 minutes
strangest feeling in the air
as it moves over and around
at times right through
wherever I choose to sit
can't hide from this wind
when it picks up again
and takes over what I hear
as I think...

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

ahead of schedule

ahead of schedule today
with nothing planned
shade has taken over
and cooler air arrives
as the sun finishes
it's journey overhead
flat back lying down
looking up just a little
early but it won't stop
the pen or slow the thought
burned a hole in my pants
makes me shake my head
a moment of carelessness
overtook the moment
it's only a small hole
it didn't burn my leg...

tangle with them

to say time flies
is an understatement
it moves so quick
it's hard to keep up
nearly impossible
to avoid the thoughts
so I tangle with them
so I don't get entangled
within them that probably
doesn't make sense
to some but I am not the same
forced to realize this daily
clutter of the mind organized
snap shots of the day
I sit upon and to say
time flies gives you no idea
how fast things actually change
it's said that technology
is generations ahead of the public
high water mark of technology
how much do you have to twist the mind
to try to understand that
if it's true...

freedom here and now

the sun on this page
is nearly blinding
freedom is not having
anything I need
to be doing right now
only what I want to do
even if only temporary
it's freedom
here and now
a moment that needs
to spread and continue
onward throughout the day
week and year
the sun is welcomed
as it was yesterday
no wind like that which
fanned the fire last night
as daylight diminished...

thick walls of intentional silence

hard to believe
four years builds
thick walls of intentional
silence remembering the last
day of the biggest mistake
all of life flashed in six
hours solitary enough
to think on the change
ahead somehow made it
that thought then
is this one now
hard to believe
stronger than ever
in solitude again
this time in good company
where everyone works
together like the family should
enjoying the day
before it begins and
as the sun moves across the sky
depending on where you sit
it is not as hard to believe
because it can be seen
thick walls of silence
walked through daily
getting to where I need to be
pen in hand as if it is my job
hard to believe it isn't
what pays the bills
it's what feeds my heart
hard to believe four years
since my whole life
changed for the better...

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

prove them wrong

watching my fire
perched above like
a bird caught watching
the flames dance around
floor boards old as the house
as old as my brother
remodeling it giving it a new look
lately putting pen to page
like pulling teeth
had four done two weeks now
worried about them
seemed like years
and it probably was
four years ago tonight
last night in Hanson
seemed like such a nice little town
the company kept makes
driving through that town
a haunting task avoided
most of the time
the fire brings back memories
of Hanson fires but never
as good as this one here
being this moment alone
burns away all the past
memories not necessary
burn on forward tomorrow
is always that day to begin again
start new or something new
or something someone
told you was impossible
prove them wrong...

Sunday, March 27, 2016

soundtrack to sunset

looking up
watching how quickly
the sky changes
one layer of clouds
going one way
another moving slowly
in a different direction
sirens from across
the city become
the soundtrack
to sunset...

progression made

about a year ago
stumbled upon
the most skeptical of thoughts
wanted science
to explain it all
to me come to find out
that which is presented
as mainstream science
does not stand strong
under scrutiny, questioning
or even the scientific method
it also involves a level of belief
that all questions have been
asked and answered
facts have been proven
but I sadly do not agree
about one year
on the mind now
trying to find
a way out of the rabbit hole
unfortunately now
much deeper
looking back at the unlearning
done and progression made...

Saturday, March 26, 2016

5 steps up

the trees in the yard
are starting to bud
and it's still a bit cold
but the season
to grow is upon us
ready or not
who wouldn't be
warm weather welcomed
in the North-East
on the west side
facing south
on a porch
five steps above
the grass...

don't mind surprises

thought about it quick
it'll never be 2016 again
them younger ones
should prepare
it goes quick
how many days
were good ones
how often looking
forward to what's next
don't mind surprises
most don't enjoy today
because worry invades
worry for tomorrow
guilty as well aware
and actively working
to fight off invading worry
enjoy today right through
the day still reading Charles
and the goal is to somehow
write more than he did
even if mission impossible
somehow I got a head start...

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

where silence dwells

just pick it up and go
to where it's comfortable
sit out back porch style
never crossing the mind
just rambles and moves
like an excavator moving land
creating new space travel
inward where the silence dwells
heavy on the mind
numb like hands
moving too much
damage may not
be repairable even
with all the technology
around the corner
something is being built
out of sight but in this mind
like the silence found
random Wednesday morning...

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

can't complain at all

only a week since
felt weak since
but getting stronger
can't complain
at all imagination
made everything seem
worse before bull by the horns
Taurus by the night
sky voices echo down
the early dark of the streets
one week since
the lack of pain
might be the scariest part
knowing what is being done
and letting the broken pieces
pile up neglected tools
useless now sometimes how I feel
end of the day
try not to let it take
me down from whatever
height the day has
let me reach for stars
by night with or without
clouds most likely
some of my own
on their way up
only a week since
been trying to heal since...

polarized under attack

another attack
somewhere in the world
probably daily
if we noticed
but only notice
some not all
they blame and never
solve the problem
everyone stands in fear
of an enemy unseen
another attack
on humanity
no matter who is in charge
there's always an enemy
to blame for the ruthless
things that are done
another attack
should be expected
given the situation
in the world
and will anything
change when new leader
takes charge less than a year
promised fear and
another attack
almost too predictable
by now everyone of them
should be stopped
everyone instead is on edge
expecting the worst
this summer
in this polarized nation...

Friday, March 18, 2016

minutes later

it's actually
about twenty
minutes later
on my mind
will finally rest
for now it jumps
from one to another
back to the state
of the world
and the lack of action
we can really take
best to steadily
inform the mind
to some truth but
how much matters that
can't be seen or touched
meaning what is out
of our control is really
just that and we merely
watch the events unfold
and go about life
hoping not to be dragged
into the mess
hoping to rise above daily
inspired by those who build
it up off the sweat of a day
filled with hard work
life needs to be enjoyed too
but a certain search for truth
needs to be attained...

Thursday, March 17, 2016

10 minute orange sky

ten minutes
an orange sky
and a rainbow
on the opposite side
hard to believe
flat gray overhead
now only minutes
ago fully illuminated
bright orange for ten
minutes gathered
everyone home to come
outside and see
ten minute orange sky
revealing the illuminating
beauty as the finish
to this day...

brought about in a dream

wind swirls
and clouds spin
the head around sideways
like hallways
knocked me over
heads sounds
from an open window
barely able to identify
the direction followed
brought about in a dream
original thought
first seen by the mind
exposed again
in unconsciousness
surfacing now no bang
big enough to shake me
into existence
have to move
the pen points to the self
where piles and piles
of ideas shoveled into
the thought furnace
vaporized in seconds
entire room filled
inspiration inhale
exhale words on the page
simple writing meditation...

head hit hard

head hit hard
hundred hammers hard
hollow how I feel
a day later
most movement
creates a dizzying effect
couldn't do the normal
daily things that keep me going
who am I kidding
just need a rest this human
condition is always one
in repair which is OK
as you as you don't mind
the wait and the sun
finally makes it way through
the patchy clouds at last
warming the page
warms the mind too
somehow only thinking
in small pockets
lately the sun has been hidden
only the sound of rain
came through the windows
at night easy to sleep
seem to wake frequently
disturbed by something
I cannot identify
a shadow on the page
completely understand
light and perspective
at least enough
to repair this particular
human condition right now...

Thursday, March 10, 2016

another year ahead

two months shy
looking ahead
another year
and a brand new
fence in the backyard
spring sounds at night
two months from now
another year
behind me
moving forward
never back up
only to take
a quick look...

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

color of the pen

ever grab
what you think
is a black pen
and it turns
out to be blue
just did it now
out under the stars
warm air continues
despite disappearing
city sounds of spring
amplified in the dark
my only proof
is what I hear
without witnesses
everyone else indoors
night approaches
quickly no matter
the color of the pen...

only a preview

the warmth
has latest all day
and maybe
it's only a preview
of what's to come
isn't going
to stop me from
enjoying the day
as short as
it might seem
the light starts
to dim
deep breaths
held within
the mind
in the back yard...

just as impressed ramble

not as impressed as usual
new pens always seem to light
up the writing but the grip
must be too thin to grasp
not as impressed
but won't find it as a complaint
because usually I don't
rather just move right through
with words written smooth
like that four twenty smoke
and first impressions
blown out of the water
as the bottom of the page is reached
so many words
so far this year
making this year
the year of words again
just as impressed as I should
be after all these days
spent sailing on the high sea...

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

warming of Tuesday

it's a good sign
when the sun
makes the page
warm quick under hand
spending morning
the sun as it warms
everything beneath
spring peepers
or whatever they are
continue to sound off
above everything else
going on producing sound
the reflection off the page
of the sun is blinding
look away takes a second
eyes need to readjust
it's a good sign the green
starts to show itself all
around backdrop to
the warming of Tuesday...


listening to that bird
hammering away
at a distant tree
solitude is also
a good reminder
to use all the senses
get all the details
everything has meaning
as long as there is someone
to pay attention
as details appear
the story of each day is written
before the pen or as it
scratches each page
off the 'to do' list for the day...

WriteOn #8

number eight
on the eighth of the month
movement forward with a purpose
to write on as the everyday
thinker not letting it pass on by
without trying to figure it out daily
whatever it might be keeping
me on the edge and in line
with thoughts to write on
the edge of spring
sun up and to the right
air still bites
a little chill
still early though...

Monday, March 7, 2016

general purpose legacy

there has got to be
a general purpose
our lives span enough time
to be a series of real events
that are definitely significant
how many have stared
in wonderment of the skies
above at night lit by night time's
chandelier spinning stars
overhead so I discovered
this general purpose
as recorder of thoughts
and still I can't figure out
where they come from
and it can't be nowhere
wondering about that higher
consciousness climbing every
ladder to the next level
and there is that idea again
shining bright
like the sun popping into view
pre-dawn sky view at the workplace
pause in awe with the quickness
daily the reality is this
is my legacy...

don't doubt this pen

doubtful that this pen will
earn me lots o money
but why should I give up
what else would I do
with all these thoughts
Tycho Brahe proved the stars
are in the same spot in the sky
night after night after night
his proofs are forgotten
as present day science
longs to be lost in space
doubtful that many or any
would even know Brahe or Sagnac
or Aries failure or what they all proved
and remains uncontested
not taught but nearly forgotten
swept under some rug
to be discovered twenty years later
doubted by everyone around
although no one has ever seen
the great water humps
the oceans are said to be
and I still can't get over the flatness
of the scene at the beach
everyone sees it too
and somehow I am supposed to believe
no one wonders doubting
and challenging everything
taught real or true
or right before our eyes
not doubtful at all
that this pen will point
me in the right direction...

Thursday, March 3, 2016

more than I would like

got that clear
and so is the mind
back at it from where I sit
and maybe I didn't move
one bit got that clear
right from the get go
learning how to let go
all the fears I have had
cut them into small
dissolve-able pieces
the ultimate goal
and got that clear vision
back out from under
some rug but expose
the floor and learn what is
below deep beneath
years of books and thoughts
too much smoke so I got
that clear breath
to reset the mind
backwards in time remembering
more than I would like...

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

IHOP kind of morning

somewhat like the old days
no ash tray on the table
clear the air a bit
music isn't as torturous
but still as loud
just loud enough
to muffle the others
conversations not many here
so early rain came down
hard this morning
kind of day might clear
by afternoon might rain
all day hard to tell from here
somewhat like the old days
no one I know expected
to join me in those days
someone would see my car
and stop in for a cup of coffee
as if it was my place
which it wasn't and I didn't
mind the stop by and I lived
nearby which made it
a cool spot to kill
30-60-90 minutes
depending on the mood
somewhat the same
but also very different
now as no one rushes to speak
to me old enough
to be left alone at last
supposing I didn't want to be
bothered somewhat like
every other Wednesday
morning with some rain
and a pot of coffee to myself...

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

awakening again

awakening to the world
right here and now
forget what the news
has you worried about
go outside and take a few
breaths and remember
you are alive
and that alone matters
awakening to the reality
of a beautiful night
solitude is an amazing
teacher of humility
and insignificance
the cold is a teacher of pain
tolerance maybe I perceive
things differently hoping
it's not the same don't see too many
others gripping the pen in
the cold wind to get
the thought out creatively
meditating on the stillness
of the night creative herb
medicating reaching record heights
seeing what there is to be seen
will be seen someday soon...

trees that remain

closed eyes
moments quickly
pass and spots
become comfortable
but need to be changed
based on the season
closed eyes
still know it's winter
even if a mild one
we had a few cold days
but tonight the peepers
return echoing through
half the forest of forty
years ago just another
mile stone be happy
for the trees that remain...

unscrambled heart

sudden cold air
outside sitting
really what could
have I expected
only warmth
today came from
clear skies and the sun
the air was cold all day
so many times been
on the top step
thinking that things
would look different
with more stairs
another step or two
or set of five
sudden rush as the heart
beat unscrambles
into the place where
I stand and understand
from above another
five steps from where I
thought the top was...

WriteOn #7

but a crossed leg
to write on
blue sky and the planes
how could we
actually know
nothing that we aren't taught
learn more as we undo
lies one by one
then every story
or description
becomes questionable
but sun
light the entire day
will it ever tire
watch the fire

TodayIsTheDay #13

today is the day
they call it super
Tuesday beginning
of this new leader
choosing time
will swear to follow
no one except these ideas
discovered by this mind
never stops like the night
day cycle spin over head
some will still believe
the stories told
will swear to only believe
that which can be seen
will be seen at last
as truth surviving every
last question ideas survive
the scrutiny of one more mind
every time today is the day
won't stop quick to end the thought
premature waiting to be born
under new eyes turning inward
all at once all of us clear
that inward seeing eye
knowing it escapes the realm
of the normal day
that's where I spend mine
do you see...