Monday, May 23, 2005

but better

it's not the same as if I were
at some café somewhere
bean town or the apple
Crestone or Amsterdam
it's the same hand holding the pen
not likely the same moleskin
it's possible anything is possible
under the cover of dark and clouds
and two out of three ain't bad

it's not the same as it once was
merely one or two years ago
my own wooden table
same table my grandfather
used to sit at not some crappy booth
with gum stuck to the bottom of the table
lit as I desire not some heat lamp
and smoke stained glass windowed walls
on two out of four sides

it's not the same Brocktown I once knew
a spot where I could sit for hours
and no one would even know I was there
used to sit out on the front porch even in the rain
back then in solitude there
as I am here out on the back porch

it's not the same
and I am glad for that
it's not the same but better
no matter who you ask and what they say
everything about what I do is better
it's not the same it's better
than any wish list fulfillment
or dream dotted together in some journal...

eye witness both

thirty years and still haven't
figured out what the hell
eye am doing here
in front of everyone eye know
and those eye will never know
what to make of sunrise and sunset
those two nearly perfect moments of each day
most of the time eye witness both...

all this time wishing something
would happen and send this thought
train rocket style into orbit
still struggling with all the thoughts
about what eye might want to be
when eye grow up no matter what
eye will not be happy with the end
of ts Eliot's life he did pen
wasteland and wound up in
the church of England
two simultaneous moments in time
as far away as they can be
eye witness both

stretching this truth here because
these moments here are bendable
and no lives depend on any decisions
made out on the back porch
as close as eye get to back woods
small fire at my feet
and in one month it will be summer
doesn't even feel like spring
and eye witness both...

Saturday, May 21, 2005

45 degrees in May

it's 45° and it's almost June
it's new england and the saying goes
if you don't like the weather
wait a minute it will change
how true it is
the night slips way out of reach
down beside the seat
on the other side of the car
his nose is running
by the end of the tenth cigarette
of the night back wondering
how it could be so late
when he's got to wake so early...

listen, he says

here we go
another serial cluster of calls
coming at all hours
caller ID shows when it is him
from now on it's his choice
of whether or not he answers the call
curiosity usually makes him pick up
the ringing phone what's on the other end
what's he got to say tonight
he's not doing anything else
might as well give a listen tonight

claims he can turn on his CD player
with his mind and pause it too
'listen' he says
as he proves his talent over the phone
it's all he can do to keep from laughing
he's dreaming his own rage against the machine
that no one can somehow avoid
and get caught 'pause, you hear that?'
and so he lights a stinky clove
someone else left behind
he sits in the corner
almost ten minutes
and never stayed on the same subject
more than 45 seconds or so
he claims he is somehow
a JEDI knight
science fiction and reality mesh
in his boxed up bedroom
sharing the house with his mom
nothing wrong with the picture
it's simply what it's become
after thirty something years...

Friday, May 20, 2005

nothing concluded 152

as the eleven o'clock
purple line pulls
into town
blows a horn
or a some sort of whistle

because the sound
of a train
isn't loud enough
for some people
need the noise

nothing concluded
and the ringing
into his ears
won't soon go away
twenty-four hours now

and he will
pause to load up
another cigarette
a day of rest tomorrow
some sleeps at this hour

therefore there is no reason
for a taxi to be leaning on
the horn out in front of the house
bad enough the sirens
blare down silent sleeping street

strobe light wake up
the neighborhood false alarm
nothing concluded
nothing more than
teenager boredom

one page from completion
it seems
not conclusion
nothing concluded
almost put down

the pen anyway
don't know how he would
explain the blank page
so he continues
until he is blue

with smoke of all kinds
bud vase built into the dash
how convenient still
nothing concluded
entering the home stretch

feeling sleep
right around the corner
turned it down already
ready to rest
nothing concluded...

Thursday, May 19, 2005

come back again

the table
has become shaky
customize the night
the cane which he chose at times
comes in handy when night air gets thin
thoughts explosive hard to find
come back again...

Friday, May 13, 2005

only minutes

only minutes
since the last thought
onto the next
the minutes don't
stop or slow down
and neither should the pen
and he needs to make more use
of his modern day typewriter

only minutes
until the sun will
disappear behind newly grown leaves
taller it seems than last year
how would he know
he has taken the picture to prove
it but will anyone take the time
to notice the purple flowers
have popped up everywhere
in the moss grown backyard
scattered patches of really green grass
and patches of dirt
and a pile of rocks around the biggest tree
in the far left corner
at least 40 years old if not older

only minutes since the dog
last went outside and he's sniffing around
looking for a spot because I am ignoring
him at the moment and only minutes
until I either bring him back out
or clean up his mess...

after another long day

after another long day
of the physicals
sitting now on the back porch
surrounded by the back woods
smoke rising like a fire
started first thing in the morning
to beat the rising sun

after another long night
he will be back
in the spot
the marketplace
with the accidental conversations
that won't stop with everyone
and/or anyone who will listen
as the thoughts pour over the page

not home thirty minutes
and already he's got
pen in hand ready
at the first instantaneous idea
poor pen never stood a chance
just a tool in this thought process...

Friday, May 6, 2005

nothing concluded 151

another verse or chapter
depending how often
one reads words put under eyes
nothing concluded
and he struggles daily

wonder why we accept
what they provide
for answers don't make sense
half-truths impersonating evidence
what do they expect

eventually conclusion drawn
out as plans to recapture
the personal freedom
we will lose and have lost
nothing concluded

he is completely determined
to sit and wait
patiently planning
his escape from
and into reality

nothing concluded
been putting it down
in front of for years now
and then answering to
my own interrogation

now and then
deciding to take the day off
so what the only one
here to stop him was the dog
no chance he knew

what he was barking
at eight in the morning
the head wasn't even clear
and of course
nothing concluded

as he enters the second half of the day
a lot like the first half
under a suspicious cloud
thoughts are always worth digging
and finding a day’s worth

treasure tucked up in the mind
silent still as ink
hits the page
nothing concluded
as it was then and is now as well...

Thursday, May 5, 2005

50/fifty no other way

the flow is steady tonight
no different it's May and he still throws
a hood up as if he's cold
an old man he works with
asks him every day if his head is cold
old man's name is Herb Tripp
how funny is that
the flow is steady and the head is hot
under a needls knit with brim and bag
he sits with a cigar hanging out of his mouth
back porch behind the blinds style
thinking of the brother he wishes to chill with
he too understands the mind to be a maze
running around trying to amaze
someone with a particular skill
he hopes to find another steady flow
onto the next page someone always has something
to say and the noise this late will not be appreciated
by the neighbors no doubt loud enough
to wake anyone trying to sleep at this point nearby
the flow could continue all night long
if he let it ring out slow and smooth like a bell
bringing about a mindfulness he can bring
into the unconscious night ahead
a flow he cannot control or even plan to remember
it's hit or miss with him
50/fifty, no other way...