Tuesday, January 28, 2014

staying positive

the hard part remains staying positive
aim for center balance and using every ounce
of strength gained through years of change
public information once guarded as private
education is never focused on preparation for it
is a place for children while adults work
not preparing youth to be self sufficient
to be strong individuals with new ideas
spread freedom and liberty through the individuals
enlightenment not in a group thought collectively clueless
at that point when there is a dependence on
all the technology created for us to rely on
it makes us weak, we fear what now
is it really scary thinking about protecting ourselves
simply put why do we not know how to protect ourselves
reduce fear and reduce trust in authority for protection
as you peel away layers of lies and disinformation
many revelations start to take place
individuals rising and becoming a critical mass resistance
as revolutionary as it sounds it is
possible when the youth are encouraged
to be themselves and creative
the future should be looked forward to
same as progression of humanity to a peaceful
level of logic finally found and shared
to a level of peace the world has never seen but deserves
breed positive ideas and individuals everywhere
a dream no more as we make it be real
standard always should stand on freedom and liberty foundation
citizenry needs empowerment
to conquer those standing at the gates
put down the pen if necessary
down with the controllers, all of them
dissent is strong in a healthy nation
and happiness is that positive strength
originality is that individual path…

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

cancelled indefinitely

the thought alone shouldn’t be just mine
greatest country still despite all the flaws and
threat of force to obey the laws
to the letter—oh, we better
our freedom somehow depends on it
world leader still in militarization and creating debt
and killing people with drones in the sky
it’s like something out of a science fiction movie
peace is what it is not and truth never
comes out as the story develops
from what happened to where
those in power need it to go
who benefits from conflict who would
want separation and division
war becomes the only option because there is no more diplomacy
who makes up these rules and why do we let them
prepare for the worst and get called paranoid
for most will always believe the stories told
it makes no difference that it doesn’t make sense
and it only seems to worry those who think logically
who could pull that much wool over so many eyes
by the time everyone figures it out
holding out hands needing a citizen bail—
out,  the economy most likely worse
vague words swirl around what’s really happening
promises that soon things will be looking up plenty
of debt passing on the payment to
future generations to understand why
peace historically has always been out of reach
or never even an attempted goal
by deception they shall do more war
instilling militant resistance and
fear in countries being attacked in defense
of freedom from
foreign entanglements always putting
aggression on top of more aggression
try peace for a change from one end of the world
to the other side and maybe humanity is naturally violent
make(s) the wrong decision and leaving
us to wonder who stands with them as
accomplices to the brutality of war
to the innocent and
their homeland
plans probably cancelled indefinitely…

Sunday, January 19, 2014

page littered

see the top of my head
as you enter the room
under the house at the table
call it a living tomb
but a room just the same
place to rest the head
resting in between daze
working probably until I’m dead
or can’t move because
of all the work I have done
not saying much still
you need to catch up
if you’re behind above all
just wake the fuck up
know that everything they say
has been lies
everything before eyes
is it really a surprise
look at the news is it
ever straight up factual report
opinions and paid shills
the talking heads contort
the truth into a package
to consume
once awake the anger
might consume
the mind like it’s done
to mine at times
mostly just thoughts
occasionally rhymes
scattered and littered
all over the page
sitting head down writing
not standing on a stage…

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

another number

another number another
day closer to something
haven’t quite made it
there yet another story entirely
once an arrival born
out of more random thought
think your yourself
personal dream living it daily
like a meditation or prayer
living it daily though
not hoping for salvation…

before noon focus

before noon so many thoughts
as if the years been going
on for hours might pass
and will probably want
to rest a bit today with no
work for someone else only
before noon probably too many
thoughts scribbled out across page
after page got to communicate
more without the walls constructed…

if somehow it’s supposed make sense
we might have to stand back
all will come into focus
thought on what’s important
alike no one you know
no thought unturned
one love throughout ever-since
would be there if possible
be here now
thinking of it all…

still doing it

still doing it
just to put thoughts on a page
in front of someone else
for no good reason
good enough
for what group
don’t want the groups approval
want to appeal to individuals
inspire individual creativity
not group worship
its ok to be ourselves
some will never say they know it
all and others it’s all they say
still doing it filling books
in another basement
someday someone will see
the importance in searching
deep in the cracks of the mind
allowed to roam
free in a larger cage
than usual someday there will
be no limits might never
see those days in a world
locked down…