Monday, September 29, 1997

no sleeping

and as I slouch a bit
too hot in here
the jester sings a song
no sleeping tonight I will not go to bed
worried I will never amount to anything
great journey ahead pokes up from
the ashes I will soon become
back to my mind and what
would you say
that I heard you
will not listen again
I am struggling to keep my head above water
surrounding and wish I could swim   
around the world if I had to do
what was done is done out of jealousy
though I do not know for what
am I doing in this place again
killing myself daily and I guess
I don’t care
too much not tasting the soup
the ladle serves no purpose any longer
shorter as the heat inside rises
peaks and falls right before
those who judge us all…
and if we can’t find truth here
where else could we possibly find it?

Thursday, September 25, 1997


counting down from ten
miles from the point
the arrow away from the fire
destroying everything in its path
to follow and what if I asked you
I won’t
what if I did
what would you say
about one who sits with
hand over fist to rest on another page
I will tell a story about a thought
I had enough song and
dance myself onto yet another page
is torn from where I am
not right now I can not think
straight anymore
of the same words repeated
rearranged to confuse readers
I have none
yet some do find things in these pages
not knowing me
would you read these pages
upon pages
of my babble?…

nothing concluded 77

end of another day
just when you would think
nothing matters
everything does
it’s just how it is

everything is done
then undone
there is a need for something
to appear unimportant
everything matters

what we do now
and what we don’t do to
stop the madness
and future wars
will haunt

years from now
some things will mean more
and I am merely trying
to figure out how
important these thoughts

actually are collections of thoughts
on things all at once
writing and rewriting if need be
mind overloaded
nothing concluded…

Wednesday, September 17, 1997


so much more knowing and seeing
clear the table set for one not I
not I and too many ears          
bending light to a heavy subject followed by
an action speaking louder than my words
my words no meaning—
look it up and down
what do you make of the situation at hand
or foot the bill this time
that time for recompense
did I apologize did not mean it to sound
the alarm waking my soul escaped
for a bit of peace and quiet
lack of something causing me to go crazy
eyes on the prize
is but a pot of gold that doesn’t even

Saturday, September 13, 1997

nothing concluded 76

thinking about Tibet
and all the other
tales of genocide

could cause the decision
to destroy another
people one at a time
or as a whole
tales of genocide

war is the undoing
of civility
and the destruction
of what took years to build

only minutes to destroy
and end the life simple
just as in  the beginning
who gets to decide when
and why

what can be done 
to make the slaughter
make sense
or will it always be
nothing concluded…

Friday, September 12, 1997


learning, much of the time spent up life savings on
games of chance is the last given speeches     
and teaches what knowledge of the outfit

adorning a simple being quiet as usually coming to   
this then thanks for the condolences and        
see you on a day I can’t remember where I

belong to the school of nothing really matters much  
in the eyes of impermanence straightening     
the curly hair growing up quicker than I

could have imagined that our friendship will
transcend this life and onto the next 
road to discover a missing piece of a puzzle I will

not finished until true understanding may not be        
reached in this circle I see many sides and     
each has a story of its owner is not one I

know when I will leave this existence and I don’t
expect anyone to believe in themselves that   
is all that is needed a date so that someone

could fins validity and of course I could be wrong     
as I was last time I fought it all along, did      
want to fight forced into it as a sort of

punishment maybe just part of the way to
understanding my existence is merely a         
blink of the blind man’s eye reassures me

and not possible to know anything for sure I have     
been here before
I can’t remember details know I was fighting killing now

regretting accepting came to me in a dream    
separate state of consciousness I looked into  
the glass and saw a soldier similar in

appearance and you were there as well I know I am  
hard to follow these words they cannot          
hold the full meaning of the thoughts I

have obtained in dream states and restates where I     
have been here before, my worn out body     
laid to final rest into another and so my

parallel planes of thought of the dual being that I       
am both writer and reader and on both side
of the bed at the same time wanting and

not wanting destroying and creating destructive
creativity that is that of the most powerful      
Śiva is a part of you and I and don’t

expect me to remember details of what we did and    
who else we knew life to live and this
moment is all that matters and soon it will

be gone and reunited with those forgotten know I     
must return before Bodhi vision is mine
exploding to a higher plane and not quite

as confusing when the powerful lids of the third eye
open and on the third of fifty-five plus two
the crab drags me away again…

Thursday, September 11, 1997

nothing concluded 75

I start to wonder
ok maybe that’s a stretch
I am always
and constantly wondering

running from
something deep within
the mind
thought to thought
two thought

sitting so still tonight
alone does not bother
by choice
most of the time
grateful…nothing concluded

Wednesday, September 10, 1997

what are we waiting for

what you said to me so true I know how sad it          
sounds like we need some faith in the
government runs the show us what they can

do me a favor and don’t put too much faith in a
government that did the same some years
ago just the same story told over and over

involving different characters acting as though they   
are the police of the world intervening here
and there but why don’t they give help

where it is needed and confused a bit something
got lost along the way we cringe at the history of
this country when they stole this land from the

natives, killing, raping, stealing, what they     
want is power over others and what about
them what they want or deserve

reaction ended in war outrage at the
camps though many perished
some fifty years ago a peaceful

spiritual land stolen and everyone watches as the
leader of Tibet is forced into exile, those
with power to make things right do

nothing, what are they waiting for?
no one is going to invite the president
to play golf with chairman mao he is dead

mr. president
can’t you do anything to free a people
who are losing their culture their heritage their land

their freedom
what are we waiting for?
war is not the answer

we have intervened over less in the
past the only reason that our country is not
lending it’s hand is because there is nothing
in it for them and this saddens me
what are we waiting for?…

Tuesday, September 2, 1997

end up

the longer it takes
the harder it is
not something I wish
someone else may act different
colors appear
through a crack in the wall
comes crashing down
from where I was up
to me to find an answer
a question I will not try to understand
up straight line drawn circles
around a spot me in the crowd
of those you do not know
not always going to make sense
and might be impossible to figure
but failure is not an option
on my mission for accomplishment
makes it easier to just sit here
myself might sound foolish
makes me laugh at myself
not yet proud of where I am
not quite where I want to be
but proud of the determination
it will take to get there
sun might not be shining on me
today but it won’t get me down
or slow my roll up another
and pour me a pot of coffee
we can discuss where I think
I will end up…

what is the use

smoke rising and no tears falling
can’t be too invested
too much mental strain
nothing can be concluded
have been saying for some time now
spent so much time for what
doesn’t even matter now apparently
if it was meant to be it would
and since it wasn’t what can I do
just get too upset not knowing
what I am capable of doing at times
and if failure is inevitable what the use
in any of it at all… 

space available

space available for rent or sale
at the store won't make me
get up spend up all the money
worked hard for it
and won't stop until
reaching a final destination
unknown at this time
what saddens the eye
shaking a bit
do not worry though
about that which
has not arrived
as clouds on a gray day
clear away all negative thought
for too long end up backwards
driving in reverse instead
mantra take me home
and all will be as it is 
supposed to be
what is lost is gone
will not take that step back
always moving
onward as to see what's ahead
and what's behind
only memory can bring it back
it's what it is kept there for
want to be only here
right now. . .