Tuesday, May 16, 2017

perch on the porch

 the days warmer air

has not disappeared as the darkness creeps

extremely comfortable

finally have a fire going 

and it's still spring

don't need it for light or heat or food

just for something to do

night off from having to wake before dawn

will still hear planes overhead

and the occasional helicopter

and below the crackle of the fire

looking down from my perch on the porch...

putting in hours

 putting in hours

2 separate places

trying to stack some of those riches

they speak of

and of course it is never enough

by design

holding the balance better

than ever before

maybe it's taken too long

but lesson learned

can only take it from here

moving onward and upward

maybe older does bring the wiser thoughts

the smokey haze creates called

this too requires putting in hours...

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

eve of forty-2

on the eve of forty-two
not even sure how it happened
youngest member of the family
home merely forty-eight hours old
watched my mother holding her
she looked at me remembering
forty-two years ago
it was I being held as first born
somewhat saddened a bit
without my own progeny
but it won’t slow me down
still push on every day
and appreciate every branch
of the family tree with roots
running deep and true
on the eve of forty-two
years I appreciate
my spot in this reality
and all of my surroundings...

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

pushing up green knuckles

pushing up green knuckles
spring brings warm
and the ground is ready
to spring forth new life
pushing up myself
twenty five at a time
four times a day
keeping the core strong
hoping to replicate
last years crop
and push out some more
pushing up green knuckles
reaching for the sun
even though it’s been
separated from us
by layers of clouds
every week for a month
many hours of rain and clouds
with hope pushing up
green knuckles
seeing sun soon...