Monday, August 4, 1997


howling winds and cars racing
reaching forgotten places
beginning to lose footing
something seeming so sturdy
wiping sweat and tears from forgotten eyes
wailing away in time with the wind
no one notices the disturbance
forgetfulness has caused
pushing hard never anyone there to receive the gifts
offered in a ceremony with forgotten
practices too many times
been left in the dust    
forgotten wounds start to throb needing attention
none to be given
stole into a forgotten garden
land so barren
nothing of any importance hiding among the sticks
and stones wondering about the man at the window
forgotten sadness coming to his eyes  
nothing is important everything is forgotten
as the man rains on the inside of the glass
seen better nights
days are no better when spent alone and forgotten
wishing on a star unseen
unheard lyrics words spiral through forgotten minds
hearts once held close now forgotten
with the rest and around bends and curves
setting sail somewhere far away         
gone from eyes forgotten
all ready for another journey
and before departure realizing
alone and forgotten. . .

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