Wednesday, January 1, 1997

lost in smoke

the smell of grapefruit juice
stings my nose
ringing in the ears or more
ice cubes dropping into glasses
from across the room
soon the glass will be full again
for right now it is empty
staring at the one
consuming the beverage
lost in the smoke

watch as the back rises and falls in sleep
fetal position watch the shirt
move with every breath
only want is to touch the skin
only thoughts
lost in the smoke

trying not to wake the sleep
finally arrived whenever it did
the only other want is to spit the
grapefruit taste from the mouth
last night may have been intoxicating
lost in the smoke

leaning on an arm
carried on the back
carefully putting back into place
much desire
no conviction
wandering homeward
lost in the smoke. . .

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