Tuesday, December 27, 2016

woke by wind

wind woke me
before light shines
over this part of the earth
and I felt I needed
to sit outside in it
and so I did for about
thirty minutes
the birds know enough
to stay low but even
that doesn’t help
blown from one spot to another
drawn to thoughts that
made the idea of riding solo
more appealing
wind woke me like the calm
of the cold cement
one night in Plymouth
that changed everything
and woke me from a slumber
of a different kind
pursuing something
that never existed
like wind is there
but never stays still
long enough to hold onto
barely able to harness it’s power
and redirect the strength
and realize there is still
sun to shine through somewhere
and at night Orion can be
seen standing strong
reminder to always overpower
any and all weakness
until it is gone…

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