Tuesday, January 26, 2016

over doing it maybe

might even be
over doing it
writing so much down
might even be evidence
of an over active mind
probably not the worst
vice to display or become
this time of night or day
it doesn't seem to matter
when I grab the pen
going where the thoughts lead
the sound of a plane overhead
or cars navigating this little
neighborhood in randomsville, usa
guess I could be anywhere
but two generations ago
they came here
shoe city famous for fighters
every city has a story I just happened
to catch a ride on this one forty years ago
and for some reason I grew up happiest
when I wrote things down
remember the cabins in NH every summer
kept journals then must be what
drives me to today
pen overlooking any achy hand
pushing past the occasional cramp
stretch it out start again
keep it moving hand ready to jump
over the shiny white piece of string
that keeps these pages in place
it was staples in NH and the books
had blue covers...

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