Wednesday, October 22, 1997

left me sitting

jail house rockin’
chair king or queen
of hearts turns up
more evidence as I sift
through the mind sand
to find a thought or two
more eyes
could not see the confusion
makes me sick
to think I can escape
route carefully planned
on writing a letter
explaining my current situation

is described with one word
is too hard to find under all
of these clouds
form a ladder and I will climb up through the sky
opens its eyes and stares
leading to nowhere special
delivery, a package arrives
without warning
me about the outcome
closer and I might tell a tale of trees
bending in the wind
blow, no idea
what I am doing
what I can to reach tomorrow
comes and things are no different
thoughts all the same
idea I knew, I knew, but I don’t
know why when I may be right
I am wrong or left
me sitting here alone…

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