Wednesday, May 14, 2014

twist and burn

time to stop and think
always is and hardly
what your mom wants to hear
bend what you know as real
feel the rush not similar
to the burn of Niacin
out through all the pores
twenty minutes a little like boiling
if I had to guess
how would I really know
spending the day reading
putting thoughts in books
on screens big and small
piece of the world where I sit
need to get words in front of more eyes
time to twist and burn one down
thoughts on my brother scent in the breeze
trees of May send the mind down a slide
never know what I might come across
then down like a cross word puzzle
like I have been to some
many more have disappeared
from these eyes overlooking
the pond at the bottom of the hill
look for the cloud and my head in a book
putting words here what if I didn’t
think about how crowded a mind
heavy thought instead would rather
light it up and relax…

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