Saturday, May 17, 2014

nephews brought it back

back on a skateboard
nephews brought back
the youth for my brother and I
turning around in the truck I asked
“in 20 years are you two
still going to be hanging out
like your father & I?”
both boys answered yes
with big smiles
and smiles all around
as my brother & I try
not to hurt ourselves
on new skateboards
and old tricks
looking at my bro I say
“we used to do this everyday
all day…”
smiling and riding off
to try another trick
we skated for years
on our childhood dead end street
shaking loose the memories of
those days before life
got all serious and work
related and fun was minimalized
still somehow dodging that one
or used it to our advantage
bringing back the youth
even if for only a couple
hours at the skate park…


mama lessard said...

absolutely love it !!!!!!

Unknown said...

loved it.

Unknown said...

It was nice to see the three of you out there wheeling around... Always wondered what went through your mind as you two skated in silence for hours on end.