Wednesday, May 14, 2014

just ramblin'

just move then
pen and sun through the window
wood grain beneath both arms
love this time of year
this time of day
perfect for reflection
what is said and unsaid
just pen thoughts
without destination
fighting the thoughts
hidden in silence
trying to understand the world
filled with violence
always want to be about peace
violence starts as force
ruling over free people
knowledge is power
to take back individual freedom
if nothing else
love this time of reflection
questioning everything
we are a part of without consent
but by necessity to operate
in our daily lives
reflection not like that in the mirror
like that in the individual
waking up to the reality
all around no one wants to read
and yet still putting words here
in books even if I am the last one…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Words in print are still important... They have permanency that talk lacks.