Friday, May 9, 2014

not what you are thinking about

this is not what everyone else is thinking about
and the television always reminds me of this fact
no war has ever been justified as it is presented
other factors always contribute but this
is hidden along with other important facts that avoid
the eyes of the average American but the
root of the problem is the strangled liberty
from behind the invisible bars that we live
which job is the one to pay us to be free
tyranny behind a desk or microphone
springs in the air finally still New England chill
when May arrives mornings are warmer
he rises well before the suns
first light and in a couple hours it
appears over buildings while standing in a parking lot
he seems to rise higher when he sees this light daily
is warming him where he stands
a thought before continuing the day
protector of the ‘never stagnant mind’… 

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