Monday, July 3, 2000

not quite as close

forget what’s been learned
read enough to say he knows a bit
what he knows he puts on shelves
written himself dizzy with poetry
and random thoughts
scattered just as well
who will put them in their own piles
can he kid himself much
longer with the pipe dream
forgetting the words
rather sit next to the stained window
waiting for the sun to set
room filled with pine scent
mind melt and attention spans
that could fit into a row of thimbles
spilling more ink daily
then all this thought combined
all the sounds melt into
one baby screaming
for no apparent reason
who knows not quite as close
to madness anymore
remembering to return the favor
someday but today
watching the vagrants migrate
to the shoe the city of champions
still trying to find one
wanting too much all at once
looking across the room
someone watching still feel safe
nothing to say to the lonely today
hope they come to understand
trying to stand on feet
asleep for thirty minutes…

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