Friday, May 1, 1998

burned toast

close shave egg
plant a new seed and
watch a smile take over
and destroy the sorrow
that surrounds
like looking clouds
of smoke
that are as thick as the toast
we burned some years back
thought I knew you
it wasn’t me
but by the dog with a hangover
and a lame paw
don’t blame me anymore
automatically righting the wrongs
that have been done for years
all that is past now
watch the union sundown-down
sweating with the bruise I received
air mail from France
never been there either
don’t ask me what they put on fries
on the side and I can’t swallow
got a lump in my throat
all choked down and dropped up
from the top or bottom
so that really doesn’t matter
and I am probably making you dumber
with my constant humming ramble
that won’t stop…

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