Saturday, April 11, 2015

his new black hat

my new black hat
isn't even black
it's gray the black ones
are all older
simply an example
of the random nature
the way things in my mind
go down when simply
putting the pen down
and letting it go
making a go of it
whether it works or not
must be a matter of time
something about watching
a bee emerge from under some wood
once the sun dried it out
long enough and nothing to do
with the black wool on the head
but brought smiles all around
no one else asking how
I might spend the rest of my day
wishing only to finish another
hoping someone will find something
here and then it spreads like warmth of the sun
the wind picks up the hood on my shoulders
didn't even need the sweatshirt an hour ago
too bad that work takes up so much time
need more time to enjoy all these

today the thought
of a new black hat made me smile...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

...this made me smile. Glad you're rediscovering the back yard.