Monday, June 19, 2000

neighborhood noise

just wish they would stop
with all the noise
some kids down on the corner
using their parents car
as a jungle gym
the horn is being leaned on
both hands by the youngest
probably 5 years old
teenagers babysitting seems
to be the case but they are absently
playing with their phones
being extra loud as well
they don’t even see me up here
but surely I see them
and could hear them
even if out of sight
this irie eye and my purple
sunset sky a message from my guru
received here back east
how could I have prepared
for what I should have known
all along can I handle this strain
horn blows again
feeling myself sounding old
and in the way
isn’t that a bluegrass band
up here perched like a vulture
waiting for inspiration
or the rain to visit again
ink stains remind and remain
on the mind and distractions
causing the stumble
onto an already scarred knee…

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