Saturday, June 3, 2000

inhale thoughts in the dark

he remembers sitting on the beach
staring at the Atlantic blue
sun at his back
an insignificance never matched
a realization that time
and time again
he is letting his passive attitude
ruin his adventurous
imagination remembers the chest high
brick wall elbows perched like
some sort of bird
blowing smoke
turning and seeing the muse relaxed
he remembers doubting himself
unable to understand
how his thought brought
this one passed his sunken eyes
through a screen and glass
his reality suddenly becomes the beauty
of the moment wanting to hold it longer
too soon taking a left at the train tracks
he remembers a journey home
in driving rain where the mind wouldn’t stop
wouldn’t let him sleep
the tower view has become the back of a hand
not as interesting as he inhales
more thoughts in the dark at two a.m.…

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