Saturday, May 28, 2022

destroy momentary sadness

Today I went to visit my family stone.  Where my Mom, Nana & Grampy Bob are all buried.  

I miss my mom and visit her stone a lot.  

Tonight I was sitting by my fire and I thought of my mom.  I thought at least I still get to live and wander around the house that she shared with us.  

I got sad like one of those waves that hits you where you feel an emotion really strong for a brief moment.  I shut the light off in the kitchen.  
I happened to look at the digital clock radio that she used to listen to everyday and it read 9:28 pm.
My mom died on 9-28-2019.
I guess seeing that destroyed my momentary sadness because it was instantly gone and I felt a smile and took a deep breath and went back out to my fire


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