Wednesday, March 30, 2016

thick walls of intentional silence

hard to believe
four years builds
thick walls of intentional
silence remembering the last
day of the biggest mistake
all of life flashed in six
hours solitary enough
to think on the change
ahead somehow made it
that thought then
is this one now
hard to believe
stronger than ever
in solitude again
this time in good company
where everyone works
together like the family should
enjoying the day
before it begins and
as the sun moves across the sky
depending on where you sit
it is not as hard to believe
because it can be seen
thick walls of silence
walked through daily
getting to where I need to be
pen in hand as if it is my job
hard to believe it isn't
what pays the bills
it's what feeds my heart
hard to believe four years
since my whole life
changed for the better...

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