Tuesday, December 15, 2015

beyond any & all control

what's really happening
some say the earth is warming
some say it's going to be another
cold winter but who really
knows for now
will just pause to enjoy 55 degrees
in December ten more days
then everyone takes a day off
what's really happening
as some days the wind blows
and clouds move quickly overhead
other days only streaks
doubled white lines in the sky
some days it clears just as quick
and others the gray it creates
can last for days
what's really happening
beyond any & all of our control
how can we make things better
none of created the maze
we walk through in our daily life
none of us can pretend to know
any and everything there is to know
some of us collect the thoughts
and things that come to the mind
as the sun moves across the sky low...

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