Wednesday, March 18, 2015

settle into the hum

thrown right back into
the breakfast rush
remember it so well
from years passed
the noise is all around
in from all directions at once
and they all settle on a hum
with some crappy music
as the back drop
and really this might be
the apex of progression
sure everyone maybe coexisting
in this moment for whatever purpose
but what will the history books
of the future read like
assuming they won't be simplified
to the point of no return
or at least a return diminished
and so I sit and no one like me
contemplates existence in this moment
and above all I am probably wrong
someone else will stop
and notice something wonderful today
life living without human intervention
maybe it rarely happens
more importantly why
is that such a strange thought
last night standing in the back yard
despite the biting cold wind
watched an enormous branch break from
it's tree and smash to the ground
in the snowy woods behind the house
and neighborhood I often wonder what
the forest looked like before
all the neighborhoods cornered it by the stream
last I heard humanity hasn't the ability to control
the wind that made me swerve like a drunk
and above all I could be wrong
what do I know except that here I sit
in the city of champions in the middle
of so many complex things
yet somehow it's still simple to see
how simplicity itself is complex at times
how do I even know to breathe
and why don't I know the answers to my many questions
why do I listen to the voice whose words
I put on the page assuming it is my own
for reasons that should be obvious
sometimes surprisingly revealing
just for the desire to leave something positive behind
or ahead depending on where you stand...


Unknown said...

Wow .. I love it, Ryan!

Unknown said...

Logical & lyrical!