Monday, October 1, 2012

headful of thought

got a headful of words
spinning irie ideas
simple relaxation method
no one judging the kid
someday growing up
they hope it gets easier
but it’s all still life
and unpredictable
can’t ever look back
‘cept to learn from moves
that got pieces taken
from the board deleted
from the message board
really getting bored by repetition
won’t look back ‘cept
to learn from made mistakes…

got a headful of thoughts
spinning cloudy webs
going in every direction
attention lost at some point
the mind went blank
like being shook until
no thought remains unreleased
until the tip of the pen
touches the page with much love
or rage like fire either way
there is no shortage of inspiration
comes at any and all times
most still somehow unexpected
random ambush of thought…

got a headful of thought
brought on by intense normalcy
and repetition rebuilt
hundreds of times
eyes burning looking only forward
to be a part of this journey
get in front there is no looking back…

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