Tuesday, February 23, 1999

when I get there

starting with the little hand facing down
to the bottom of the cup I never finish
what I start too
get relaxed and enjoy the space created
something as unbelievable as space
and all the planets in the sky
it simply is what is above us high
what we see is so much more than that now
beginning with an end
the search and the beginning
right now and when I get there I will write
counting backwards until the day arrives
bells flashing lights ringing
out for the freedom lost
my spot at the top when I fell
from darkness to light eyes closed
on all negative emotions flushed out
with affirmations strong
wind up from below the bow breaks
into so many pieces
the space we create
from what we are
not what we see
and when I get there I will write
explaining my departure
as a means to an accomplishment
to let you know I will
not stop again this is serious
in my consideration given
last thoughts can’t explain
envelope containing it all
will make sense when I get there
I will write…

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