Monday, April 1, 2019

April Fool

I know I didn't even tell anyone at Trader Joe's that I was taking a vacation until a couple days ago, but it was necessary and if they asked, they knew.  It's no big deal I am one of many on the morning crew at Trader Joe's and everyone else has time off planned or taken, so I do not feel bad at all that I am not there.  That is huge for me, because in the past I have always taken my responsibilities at Trader Joe's waaaaaaay too serious.  Today starts 10 days off from the store we call the 513 (or I do anyway).

And of course I am not going away on some lavish vacation, I took the time off so I could help Rodrigo, my brother-in-law and boss-man at my other job.  Rodrigo started a landscaping company seven years ago, Gardenin' Angels.  Look back at my last post to see why 7 years ago was a turning point in my life.  Anyway his company is now flourishing and for the last 4 years I have helped him with his office in some capacity.  It started with helping with the lawn mowing & fertilizer schedules and invoices associated with those jobs.  From there it just took off, I mean I have learned what I can as I go and figured the office out as much as I can. 

Gardenin' Angels is a great company and they are so young.  Rodrigo is an inspiring dude!  I really don't know how he has done it, but I can tell you first hand that he does it, every day. 

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