Wednesday, August 23, 2017

vacation fire #1-3

fire #3

     I find myself by another fire, successfully having my 3rd in three nights to celebrate being on vacation from my job.  Most, no all of my journal writing is done with a pen and a blank page.  Every once and a while I think I should write directly to my blog and I have attempted a few times with no luck.  This time I am going to incorporate pictures into my journal.  This too is something I have done with the blank page a pen some prints and clear tape.  This makes it easier which should mean more content.  In this day and age on the internet, content is everything.  
     My blog is packed full of content but it has been strictly poetry & random thoughts until now. Publishing my books has been my thing for almost 20 years now and that is not going to change.  I simply want to be me add another level to my writing.  Since summer vacations in the white mountains of New Hampshire, Woodard's Cabins to be exact, I have been keeping journals of daily events.    

     I am on vacation and I had fires last night and on Monday night so I want to share a few pictures from those nights too.  I am going to try keep up this journal style writing.  I will call it FRO-ZEN because I was given the nickname NiceFRO and although I have pretty much outgrown the nickname I still use it for my thoughts because that's where it came from originally.  

fire #1

fire #2

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