Wednesday, November 23, 2016

everyone gets worried

was so worried
about the reality
the election results
would bring
but somehow no one
expected the outcome
no one speaks of it in the workplace
because of its divisive nature
I don’t think this is necessarily
the right way to participate
in our democratic republic
but what do I know
and who really knows if our votes
are even counted in the way
we intend them to be counted
never had much faith
in a system that taxes us
instead of encouraging us
to prosper and build a strong
national economy fifty-three years ago
he was killed in the daylight hours
head blown off in public
struck fear into the hearts of people
grabbed their attention
and told what to think
everyone was so worried
in reality the days continue
uninterrupted and tomorrows
keep coming until you can no longer
remember to pay attention...

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