Monday, October 26, 2015

relief & happiness

couldn't help the tears
filling up the eyes
drove home hopeful
same way we all drove in
positive vibrations
and Jah sounds
a little BM, he is always cued up
in the mind at least
fighting daily
the pessimist within
when it comes to just about everything
but optimistic too
and that's a more healthy balance
the drive home was a blur
felt like it took just minutes
smart phone dead battery
had to resort to old school
navigation methods
eyes and a good idea
where I am going
the drive was even motionless
at times only to be welcomed home
the news that it went better
than expected on all counts
according to the surgeon
mom will wake to the greatest news
couldn't help the tears
running down my face
smiling and allowing
sadness to be gone
and replaced by relief and happiness...

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