Monday, June 9, 2014

night before sunrise

wonder if I will rise in time
to see first light
everything is covered
with pollen dusty yellow
roads and cars and trees
wonder if he will have breakfast
alone again standing at the railing
melting the brain through the pen
moving slightly to the sounds
in the ears responsible
for at least half the inspiration
other half is completely visual
and it is the reason he believes
words on the page still have a purpose
no need to be plugged in
to open up a book
“I am not much of a reader…”
it’s what he constantly hears
give it a try again
for the first time maybe
what will be lost
a little time and a few thoughts
might not use them anyway
as long as the sun rises
these words can be seen
wonder if I will rise in time
to see first light…

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