Tuesday, February 18, 2014

nothing to do with conquest

if anyone really cared enough it could probably be stopped
there has got to be a better way to get along
is violence all we know as a society
one love never even considered
principle contradicted everyday bombs drop
more invasions and foreign entanglements
deeply warned by so many but ignored en masse
rooted too deep to topple all at once
in small spurts becoming less free
the privacy we one once guaranteed gone
mind controlled into thinking it’s for our best interest
of by and for the people never forget
every one of the bill of rights
American knowledge of US history must include
it and not forget it
is the security for the rights we were born with individual freedom
that is it, we need not fear government interference
we the people must have forgot or got conditioned
should we all become rebels again
have we lost the spirit of freedom and revolution
nothing to do with conquest, pure liberty
to those who value the future
do what you need to do to be awake
with whatever tools are available and necessary
conquest(ion) everything…


Unknown said...

Message reads down too ... cool

Ryan Lessard, Nicefropress said...

Thomas Jefferson's thought inspired mine...