Friday, February 1, 2013

enough to burn

ahead of the game
believing in the self
and at the same time
laughing at myself
despite all the imperfection
still striving for a resurrection
dodging all mind infection
playing chess in the mirror
trying to understand that opponent
a little clearer
the stone was too big
no one could ever move it
thought I was someone else
no one could ever prove it
cool breeze blowing a virus
at everything and it passed
without intended destruction
started with that creepy seduction
how many others fell for it too
or someday will guess it’s a warning for you
stay ahead of the game
the alert is cool breeze will burn like a flame
from a torch hot enough to burn it
to the ground without a sound
never thought hate would sneak into the mind
of this new stranger
only thing to keep sanity
balanced somewhere between awful memories
and beautiful smiles both pointless now
and never seen the same
far ahead of the game… 

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