Saturday, November 28, 2009

orange blaze

sun setting and the wind blows
it's colder as December is only days away
some birds will stick around all year
and you can hear the wind crawling
down the street bending everything
that doesn't break on it's way by
it keeps on going with no destination

at one time I thought I had it all
but everything was material
and I left it all behind
except my books and my music
still trying to find my favorite songs
after two years still laying out pages
of poetry to be read and judged
at a later date

luckily the page is white or else
it would be hard to see as the sun
disappears behind back yard trees
far off on the horizon there is
an orange blaze glowing
it's today's last light
thoughts being collected here
so they might light me sleep
tonight without restlessness...

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