Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Babylon is what it is

back to basic thoughts laying down on the page
anyone paying attention should be in a rage
the controlling elite and the cards dealt to each head
rich people and poor people all better of dead
still think we are better living strong and walking tall
if they don't give back our freedom proud to take it all
back from the grimy elite who hi-jacked this nation
need to turn off the news or at least change the station
find the reports telling us of what they plan
create a one world government enslaving every human
grind every day to rise up from the floor
one day eye will break through just need one day more
settle the score with my pen in this book
the truth is really out there all you have to do is look
it's harder than it should be with technology as it is
take advantage of this Babylon exactly what it is...

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