Sunday, August 29, 2004

the day is done

the day is done
and the summer
is almost done
as well as he can be
at the moment
waiting for the future
to hold some certainty
again the day is done
puffing hard until the head
is cloud bound but the sky
is most certainly clear
the moon shines
and it may even be full tonight
or tomorrow whenever wherever
no doubt he will
take the time to check it out
when the day is done
tomorrow always brings more time
to the table but who could’ve known
it would come back this way again
for another look
the nights all seeing single eye
looking down to the cloud
he has created and it blows it away
like the flame on a candle in the window
whichever direction
the night takes him is where
he is going and it’s more of a challenge
to try to focus under the enormous cloud…

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